Thursday, November 28, 2019
Not Without My Daughter Essay Example
Not Without My Daughter Paper Brian Gilbert used textual features such as lighting, camera angles, shots and music to demonstrate the conflict between the members of the Manhood family. Early in the movie there is a scene where Betty learns that Moody has no intentions of leaving Iran. Lighting and framing are used then to reflect the conflict. The room they are in is dark with very little light coming through a window. This low key lighting reflects the feelings of despair Betty feels. She feels Iran is a very primitive country and not a suitable place for her child to be raised. In addition, framing and angles are used to present the differences In power. Low angles shots are used to show Moody. The low angles reflect the power Moody has In the Iranian society. In contrast, high angle shots display Bettys lack of power, making her look small and weak. The differing angles and contrasting power they reflect foreshadow future confrontations between Betty and Moody. Lighting and framing were effectively used to show the shift in power in Iran. Later on in the movie, Moody finds Betty at the school and starts beating her, and hen Mammoth stands up to her father he hits her too. We will write a custom essay sample on Not Without My Daughter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Not Without My Daughter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Not Without My Daughter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this scene shots and framing are used to reflect the dominance of males in Iran. First, Brian Gilbert uses a high angle show Moody beating Betty. This shot effectively reflects how helpless Betty is in the Iranian culture where women have little to no rights. She can neither stand up to moody nor run away from him as he has absolute power over her. Furthermore, a long shot Is used when Moody hits Mammoth. This shot makes Mammoth look very small. Thus reminding the audience Just how different the laws In Iran are as Moody can hit his child and have no consequences for doing so. Brian Gilbert used shots and framing to portray how the newfound power has revealed just how violent Moody is and how he does not care about the well being of the rest of the family. Betty eventually escapes Moody control by leaving with a man who assists western women in similar predicaments. She calls Moody on the phone and an angry conversation ensues. Camera movement, sound and music were used to reflect the offering beliefs between the two countries and the changes in the familial conflict. For example, the camera pans around the room where Moody sits while talking on the phone with his family surrounding him. The pan allows the audience to see all of Moody family. The sheer number of people behind Moody reflects the customs In Iran as everyone views his abuse of Betty as commonplace. They do not question the morality of his violent actions nor do they care about the welfare of Betty. In Dalton, music and sound reflect a shift in power. There is no non-dietetic sound in the scene emphasizing ten conversation. I nee conversation Is Important Elector sound Decease it displays how much more confident Betty is now that she has escaped. It reflects the differences in roles of woman between American and Iranian culture as Betty is completely different when she no longer has to fear being beaten by Moody. She is now able to make her own decisions and choices. Music, sounds and camera movement were used in this scene to reflect the Iranians view of the conflict and how Betty and Mammoths freedom changed the conflict. In movies small things like the angle of a shot or the lighting of a scene can change the mood and interpretation of a scene. These subtle features were all used effectively in Not Without My Daughter to demonstrate a cultural conflict within the Manhood family. Each scene demonstrated different aspects of the familial conflict providing a clear image of how different the cultures Iran and America are. These differences not only affect familial relationships as demonstrated in the film, but also relations between the two countries.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Be a Good Active Listener
How to Be a Good Active Listener Listening is a study skill most of us take for granted. Listening is automatic, isn’t it? We might think we’re listening, but active listening is something entirely different. Think of how much easier it would be to study for tests, to write papers, to participate in discussions, when you know you have really heard everything important that was said in the classroom, not only by your teacher but also by other students actively engaged in learning. It may sound silly, but active listening can be exhilarating. You might be surprised by how much you have missed in the past when your mind has gone off on errands like what to make for dinner or what your sister really meant when she said... You know what were talking about. It happens to everyone. Learn how to keep your mind from wandering with some tips here, plus a listening test at the end. Test your listening skills and then start practicing active listening in the classroom. It’s where your studying begins. Three Kinds of Listening There are three levels of listening: Half listeningPaying attention some; tuning out some.Focusing on your reaction.Commenting to others.Waiting for a chance to break in.Distracted by personal thoughts and what’s going on around you.Doodling or texting.Sound listeningHearing the words, but not the meaning behind them.Missing the significance of the message.Responding with logic only.Active listeningIgnoring distractions.Ignoring delivery quirks and focusing on the message.Making eye contact.Being aware of body language.Understanding the speaker’s ideas.Asking clarifying questions.Recognizing the speaker’s intent.Acknowledging the emotion involved.Responding appropriately.Remaining engaged even when taking notes. 3 Keys to Developing Active Listening Develop active listening by practicing these three skills: Keep an open mindFocus on the speaker’s ideas, not on the delivery.Give the speaker your full attention.Resist forming an opinion until you’ve heard the entire lecture.Don’t let the speaker’s quirks, mannerisms, speech patterns, personality, or appearance get in the way of listening to the message.Stay focused on the central ideas being communicated.Listen for the significance of the message.Ignore distractionsBe fully present.Make sure your phone is silenced or turned off. Everyone can hear a vibrating phone.Tune out any chatter around you, or politely tell the talkers that you’re having trouble listening.Better yet, sit up front.Face away from windows if you can to avoid outside distractions.Set aside all emotional issues you brought with you to the classroom.Know your own hot buttons and don’t allow yourself to respond emotionally to issues being presented.ParticipateMake eye contact with the speaker.Nod to show understanding.Ask clarifyin g questions.Maintain body language that shows you are interested.Avoid slouching in your chair and looking bored.Take notes, but continue to stay focused on the speaker, looking up often. Active listening will make studying later so much easier. By paying close attention to the significant ideas presented in the classroom, you’ll be able to remember the actual experience of learning the material when it comes time to retrieve it. The Power of Meditation If youre a person who has never considered learning to meditate, you might think about giving it a try. People who meditate take control of their thoughts. Just think of how powerful that can be in the classroom when your thoughts are wandering. Meditation also helps manage the stress of going back to school. Learn to meditate, and youll be able to pull those thoughts right back to the task at hand. The Listening Test Take this listening test and find out if youre a good listener.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Market Structure and the Role of Government Assignment
Market Structure and the Role of Government - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that the term ‘market structures’ refers to a particular social organization which operates between buyers and clients in any given market. Others define market structures as models that govern social organization between clients and businesses in a market. Since the four market structures are perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly, the characteristics of these market structures differ. In perfect structure, supply and demand as competitive market forces control prices in the market and output levels of produce rendered by competitive firms. In both perfect and monopolistic competition and structures, there are multiple participants and the commodity of trade is homogenous. Monopolistic competition is an intermediary between the two extremes that characterize monopolistic and competitive markets. Herein, there are several firms each with small proportions of market share and an extent of different iated products. These competitive firms are also price makers. In a monopoly, the product of trade is one, while in an oligopolistic market structure, a number of firms maintain control over the market share. There are neither competitors in a monopolistic market nor close substitutes for the product. In an oligopoly, there is a tendency to compete on non-pricing criteria which include advertising, gift certificates, packaging, and transportation.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ethics and professional development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics and professional development - Essay Example It implies that if the devices fail to provide safety, the public will retaliate with wrath for the disappointment. This is because public always supposes that the fire protection and detection professionals must install systems that function perfectly (Gagnon, 2008). In the aspect of the values of a client, the protection and detection professionals encounter ethical situations where they are expected to install a system that surpasses the minimum standards of care. Thus, in case of a default to meet that requirement, the company (client) might be deemed as ineffective by its customers. The fire protection field has its values that should also abide by specific standards. These professionals must have a certificate from the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) board. This restricts the technicians and technologists under the board to work in the confines of the law of protection and safety (Gagnon, 2008). In the case of catastrophic events, the professionals always suffer professional ignominy. This is because their clients and the public expect the detection and protection systems to be perfectly effective. In the case of a catastrophe, their professional skills end up being questioned. It is always occasioned by the high expectations of people that the installation of the systems is placed with excellence (Gagnon, 2008). After a significant fire death or loss, the fire protection laws, codes and standards are modified to cover the company in loss. This is because the fire professionals are viewed as too professional to install a system with dysfunctions (Gagnon, 2008). The whistle-blowing actions entail alarming people about a situation that is deemed unethical in the fire protection and detection system. However, this process can infringe an employer-employee relationship especially when an employee reports a
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Impacts of Technological Innovation on Communication Essay
The Impacts of Technological Innovation on Communication - Essay Example Nevertheless, in cases where physical contact is impossible, an effort of writing a letter can be resorted. However, in the latter eras, because of human discontent for development, several crafts have been developed including technology. The rapid innovation on information technology has greatly impacted the way communication process go. There had been an overwhelming revamp on the communication process especially on the matter of how it is being done. The internet which is a very powerful tool in conveying information is arguably the greatest human invention there is. In schools, business establishments, commercial televisions, broadcast news centers, hospitals, etc., technology has become a very important tool in order to hasten the communication process and the delivery of data to which they are supposed to be delivered. In fact, in some schools, just like in South Korea, they are using I.T. application software and programs in order to communicate with 2 English language tutors from the Philippines, United States, and the United Kingdom. In businesses, more appropriately for bigger multi-national companies, especially those that are outsourcing some of their jobs overseas, they use web conferencing tools in order to perform the desired task. In addition, social networking sites, electronic mails, video chat, and live conferencing are also available. One of the best things that technology has contributed to communication is its contribution for faster and more convenient way of dealing with the transfer of information. What are the good impacts of technology to communication? More than just a mere observation, we can all concede that the transmission of information nowadays, with the aid of information technology, is much more accurate, speedy and convenient as compared to what has been used before. These can be proven by our personal experiences. Before the telephone or the mobile communication devices have been invented, the transfer of information was ve ry slow. Now, we can simply communicate remotely by just simply dialling numbers and this is regardless of the distance as long as necessary requirements are met just like the signal and load for mobile phones. In education, a relevant research found out that online discussion is discovered as an effective tool in developing the student’s knowledge. This is because of a consolidated conversation or exchanges of idea through a forum just like the college confidential – an online forum for pre-college and college students which intends to discuss different topics related to education, science, and most especially for the admission process. Similarly, with the help of information technology, there is a chance for the people to get in touch with their loved ones who are situated from a remote location. Most of the 3 time, video chats and social networking sites are the players of the game. People can just sit down with their computers facing toward them and they can commun icate with the people that they want to talk with. What are the drawbacks of information technology on communication? Albeit, we have already conceded that technology is a helpful tool in achieving a faster communication process; nevertheless, it has also its own disadvantages. Most of the people who use computers and internet
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Application Of Computer Graphics Education Essay
The Application Of Computer Graphics Education Essay People that have learning difficulties show deficits in attention, language, and have a lack of interest in teaching and learning environment and also in educational contents. In class they find that it difficult to cope with the subject that has abstract concepts. For example, student that has down syndrome and autism. Therefore, the solution to this is using one of the Computer Graphics applications, the Virtual Reality where in this application they use visual graphic in educational process. The Virtual Reality application gives advantages to some areas such as environment understanding, from literality to symbolism, and social abilities. Based on the Bogdashina O. book, Sensory perceptual issues in autism and asperger syndrome, the sensory profile of people or student with learning difficulties may be different from those who normal. The Virtual Reality application is being used in the case of Virtual School and Virtual Supermarket. The Virtual Supermarket is one of the successfu l examples of Computer Graphics application in commercial. Then Virtual School has made and still under process and development. Both these case is familiar to everyone in this world. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s why the application of these two environments has been studied by applying the techniques and application of Computer Graphics. Another application of Computer Graphics in education is as the motivation for Mathematics subject that need students to use a lot of thinking process. Computer Graphics can be a tools for increasing the awareness in the sciences subjects such as Mathematics among students. Because of the application of the real time, interactive, and visual feedback, students can easily observe the effects of the use of Mathematics in produce a good designs. Nowadays, the use of computers in some school has increase due to the increases in the use of technologies. This is due to the decreases in the percentage of the sciences subject such as Mathematics and Science. After introduce the computers to all school this problem has been solving through time. Through this solution, it shows that the use of computers affects the students in their learning process. In this case, Computer Graphics has been used to illustrate how problem solving give advantages from applications of Mathematics thinking to grap hics problems. Graphics tools as the representative has been used as the teaching aids for the teachers to teach their students in class. The area of Computer Graphics is widely used in many of applications for specific purpose. There are many examples of the successful of the Computer Graphics technology in commercial application. Some of the examples are the virtual stimulators for training in driving vehicles, entertainments, visualisations, 3D representations of future buildings or houses, computer and console games, film scenes and the characters that produced using Computer Graphics. One successful example of Computer Graphics technology in commercial application is Virtual Supermarket. Technique that use in this application is three dimensional (3D) graphic. This application consists of 3D supermarket where it has a variety of products and goods, different visual employees and different functionalities available. The basic task in this case is only to do the shopping. Tools that need in this application are only a computer with the screen, keyboard, mouse, and joystick. Firstly, the user has to move inside the supermarket and then searching for the things that list in the spread out shopping list. Use r need to pick a something or product and put into the virtual trolley. There are four modes that being use in this case that related to the application in the Virtual School which is will be use for learning difficulties in school. First is functional of use and play. This mode can be used to teach the important concepts of our daily life environment and it is shown using pre-recorded videos integrated in the virtual world. Second is imagery play, where this functionality mode is possible to teach the student that has special needs about imagery play of the objects. Through this mode the teacher can try to teach the same imagery play to their students without using the computer but between the teachers and the students itself. The third technique is imagery transformations of objects. There are two types of transformations that commonly used which is 2D and 3D transformations. As the technology has improved, the 3D transformation graphics have become more common rather than 2D transformation, but 2D transformation graphics are still widely used. This te chnique is more to abstract concept to show information that difficult to explain and see in the real world. Therefore, using this transformations technique the teachers are able and more easily to explain to their students about what he or she teaching about in class. In this case the transformation is using the 3D graphic animation transformations into the virtual scene. The last mode is imagery use which is the three dimensional viewing. This Virtual Supermarket can be viewed through 3D viewing where the objects seen seem to be real. The user also can listen to what the avatar in the videos saying or talking and can see their expressions. The idea behind and relationship this application to the education are it is not only an educational game but also a tools for teaching. The attraction of people with learning difficulties towards computers shows the increases in the possibilities that these tools have in their educational and learning process. They find that it is easy to use t he graphical interface in their learning process. This help increasing their interest in educational contents. The techniques that have been used in this example are modelling shapes, layout and animation, and rendering. The modelling process can be through polygonal modelling in which dots are connected and the faces of the polygons that result create the image of the objects. A layout and animation technique involves placing the object within the scene. Commonly, some of methods that used in this technique are motion capture of movements, determining the proper angular positions of the elements of the jointed object, and key framing, which is defined the start and end points of a smooth transition through frames. Movement is created by displaying a series of images that are similar to one another on the screen to create the illusion of movement. The frames then can be replaced by a virtual skeleton and the computer automatically calculates the differences in the appearance among succeeding frames. The rendering is the technique where the model is translated into an image by integrating ligh ting effects such as shadows and scatting of light. In this technique it determines how the light is reflected or refracted from a surface at any point in the object and how the properties of the object materials vary on the surface. For the animation graphics educational tools for the science subjects, this application helps in taking attraction from the students to the subject, delivery information that easy for students to understand and many more. In the learning process in the class, teachers could display the information that they want to give to their students via a variety of equipment. This is including the computer monitor, single projector, depending on their teaching and learning needs. In general, the application of graphics animation in the education acknowledged the positive impact on learning in specific situations. This is because of the information that conveyed by graphics animation are more clearly, can be observed, especially when involving the movement and easy to understand. However, if the abstract and the continuous learning, graphics animation may be interfering the student understands about what they learn. Because of the burden of information through graphic presentation animation, the like hood of confusion will occur during the process of selective attention on certain aspects. In this case, graphic animation will ease the cognitive load when the graphic presented in stages. Graphic presentations in stages also have an impact reinforcement to understand and remember the process and facilitate students to encode the information of what they have learned correctly.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Cayman Islands History :: Historical Cayman Island Essays
Cayman Islands History Over the last five hundred years the Cayman Islands have had a rich and diverse history. They grew from being very isolated islands inhabited mostly by crocodiles and turtles to being one of the worlds premier tourist and financial centers. Being so small and isolated has given the Caymanians a strong sense of history and culture that is distinct, even from their Caribbean neighbors. They enjoyed a relative sense of insulation from many of the problems that plagued the rest of the region. The Caymans were â€Å"discovered†by the west by Christopher Columbus on his fourth and final voyage to the new world. His two ships, the Capitana and the Santiago sighted two small islands on May 10, 1503. These islands he called â€Å"Las Tortugas†because of their abundance of sea turtles, these islands eventually became Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. Columbus’ ships were off course when they sighted the islands and did not set foot on the islands. Columbus was an unintentional witness to the yearly gathering of sea turtles to mate and lay eggs. They were so abundant that their shells were mistaken for large rocks on the beaches. The turtles yearly migration was a large influence on the islands early history. Due to the lack of farm able land the Caymans were overlooked by the Spanish and became populated much later than many of the other Caribbean islands. Grand Cayman was not populated until the 1730's and Cayman Brac was not permanently settled until 1833. The first settlements were seasonal turtling outposts. The islands were a popular stop for passing pirates because of a few natural fresh water wells and the abundance of turtles and other animals that could be used for provisions. The low-lying Caymans have always been a challenge to ships navigating the region. All three islands have reefs surrounding the majority of their coasts, and the islands themselves being so low; they are very difficult for approaching ships to see, especially at night. The islands are also located on several popular shipping routes used from colonial times to today. Ships leaving Central America passed the Caymans on their way to the Gulf of Mexico and the strait of Florida, allowing the Gulf Stream to carry them out to the Atlantic. Large numbers of ships and dangerous reef lined islands is a recipe for shipwrecks and the Caymans have seen more than their fair share. Cayman Islands History :: Historical Cayman Island Essays Cayman Islands History Over the last five hundred years the Cayman Islands have had a rich and diverse history. They grew from being very isolated islands inhabited mostly by crocodiles and turtles to being one of the worlds premier tourist and financial centers. Being so small and isolated has given the Caymanians a strong sense of history and culture that is distinct, even from their Caribbean neighbors. They enjoyed a relative sense of insulation from many of the problems that plagued the rest of the region. The Caymans were â€Å"discovered†by the west by Christopher Columbus on his fourth and final voyage to the new world. His two ships, the Capitana and the Santiago sighted two small islands on May 10, 1503. These islands he called â€Å"Las Tortugas†because of their abundance of sea turtles, these islands eventually became Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. Columbus’ ships were off course when they sighted the islands and did not set foot on the islands. Columbus was an unintentional witness to the yearly gathering of sea turtles to mate and lay eggs. They were so abundant that their shells were mistaken for large rocks on the beaches. The turtles yearly migration was a large influence on the islands early history. Due to the lack of farm able land the Caymans were overlooked by the Spanish and became populated much later than many of the other Caribbean islands. Grand Cayman was not populated until the 1730's and Cayman Brac was not permanently settled until 1833. The first settlements were seasonal turtling outposts. The islands were a popular stop for passing pirates because of a few natural fresh water wells and the abundance of turtles and other animals that could be used for provisions. The low-lying Caymans have always been a challenge to ships navigating the region. All three islands have reefs surrounding the majority of their coasts, and the islands themselves being so low; they are very difficult for approaching ships to see, especially at night. The islands are also located on several popular shipping routes used from colonial times to today. Ships leaving Central America passed the Caymans on their way to the Gulf of Mexico and the strait of Florida, allowing the Gulf Stream to carry them out to the Atlantic. Large numbers of ships and dangerous reef lined islands is a recipe for shipwrecks and the Caymans have seen more than their fair share.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ecological niche From Wikipedia
Ecological niche From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Black smokers create ecological niches with their unusual environment In ecology, a niche (CanE, UK /? ni / or US /? n? t? /)[1] is a term describing the way of life of a species. Each species is thought to have a separate, unique niche. The ecological niche describes how an organism or population responds to the distribution of resources and competitors (e. g. , by growing when resources are abundant, and when predators, parasites and pathogens are scarce) and how it in turn alters those same factors (e. . , limiting access to resources by other organisms, acting as a food source for predators and a consumer of prey). [2] The majority of species exist in a standard ecological niche. A premier example of a non-standard niche filling species is the flightless, ground-dwelling kiwi bird of New Zealand, which exists on worms, and other ground creatures, and lives its life in a mammal niche. Island biogeog raphy can help explain island species and associated unfilled niches. Contents[hide] * 1 Grinnellian niche * 2 Eltonian niche * 3 Hutchinsonian niche * 4 Parameters * 5 See also * 6 References * 7 External links| [edit] Grinnellian niche The word â€Å"niche†is derived from the Middle French word nicher, meaning to nest. The term was coined by the naturalist Joseph Grinnell in 1917, in his paper â€Å"The niche relationships of the California Thrasher. â€Å"[3] The Grinnellian niche concept embodies the idea that the niche of a species is determined by the habitat in which it lives. In other words, the niche is the sum of the habitat requirements that allow a species to persist and produce offspring. For example, the behavior of the California Thrasher is consistent with the chaparral habitat it lives inâ€â€it breeds and feeds in the underbrush and escapes from its predators by shuffling from underbrush to underbrush. This perspective of niche allows for the existence of ecological equivalents and also empty niches. For example, the Anolis lizards of the Greater Antilles are a rare example of convergent evolution, adaptive radiation, and the existence of ecological equivalents: the Anolis lizards evolved in similar microhabitats ndependently of each other and resulted in the same ecomorphs across all four islands. [edit] Eltonian niche In 1927 Charles Sutherland Elton, a British ecologist, gave the first working definition of the niche concept. He is credited with saying: â€Å"[W]hen an ecologist says ‘there goes a badger,' he should include in his thoughts some definite idea of the animal's place in the community to which it belongs, just as if he had said, ‘th ere goes the vicar. ‘†[4] The Eltonian niche encompasses the idea that the niche is the role a species plays in a community, rather than a habitat. edit] Hutchinsonian niche Squirrels in public parks may have a different ecological niche than those with less human contact. The Hutchinsonian niche views niche as an n-dimensional hypervolume, where the dimensions are environmental conditions and the resources that define the requirements of an individual or a species to practise â€Å"its†way of life. The niche concept was popularized by the zoologist G. Evelyn Hutchinson in 1957. [5] Hutchinson wanted to know why there are so many different types of organisms in any one habitat. An organism free of interference from other species could use the full range of conditions (biotic and abiotic) and resources in which it could survive and reproduce which is called its fundamental niche. However, as a result of pressure from, and interactions with, other organisms (i. e. inter-specific competition) species are usually forced to occupy a niche that is narrower than this, and to which they are mostly highly adapted. This is termed the realized niche. The ecological niche has also been termed by G. Evelyn Hutchinson a â€Å"hypervolume. †This term defines the multi-dimensional space of resources (e. . , light, nutrients, structure, etc. ) available to (and specifically used by) organisms. The term adaptive zone was coined by the paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson, and refers to a set of ecological niches that may be occupied by a group of species that exploit the same resources in a similar manner. (Simpson, 1944; After Root, 1967. )[citation needed] Hutchi nson's â€Å"niche†(a description of the ecological space occupied by a species) is subtly different from the â€Å"niche†as defined by Grinnell (an ecological role, that may or may not be actually filled by a speciesâ€â€see vacant niches). Different species cannot occupy the same niche[citation needed]. A niche is a very specific segment of ecospace occupied by a single species. Species can however share a ‘mode of life' or ‘autecological strategy' which are broader definitions of ecospace. [6] For example, Australian grasslands species, though different from those of the Great Plains grasslands, exhibit similar modes of life. [7] Once a niche is left vacant, other organisms can fill that position. For example, the niche that was left vacant by the extinction of the tarpan has been filled by other animals (in particular a small horse breed, the konik). Also, when plants and animals are introduced into a new environment, they have the potential to occupy or invade the niche or niches of native organisms, often outcompeting the indigenous species. Introduction of non-indigenous species to non-native habitats by humans often results in biological pollution by the exotic or invasive species. The mathematical representation of a species' fundamental niche in ecological space, and its subsequent projection back into geographic space, is the domain of niche modelling. [8] What is the ecological niche of a Slater? In:Insects [Edit categories] Answer: the slater's lives in dark places. uptake water by eatting food Rate This Answer Upper Hutt College Year 13 Biology Slater Study Achievement standard: biology 3. 1 Introduction to experiment: In this investigation of the ecological niche of the woodlouse, I chose to experiment the amount of soil moisture that the slaters tend to prefer. I chose this aspect, as moisture is a vital part in the survival of this small creature. Internet sources provided information of the woodlice that shows that they are from crustacean descent and formerly aquatic even though now they are terrestrial rather than water dwelling. Slaters are generally found in moist, dark places with decomposing plant matter. Enter Slater Diagram From two diagrams it is shown the area of the slaters lungs are near the rear end of the woodlouse and located inside the pleopod, these are where the gills are hiding. The Slater is a creature that receives its oxygen through moisture in its surroundings, which is why I chose to do an experiment on moisture and in which amount of water is most suited to their survival and not a threat. The Woodlouse also has no waxy layer on its body which means desiccation is easy compared to other bugs, this is another reason why the slater need moisture in its environment. Aim: The aim of this investigation is to experiment using woodlice and test on which amount of soil moisture they prefer. Hypothesis: I believe that the more soil moisture there is, the more slaters will be found in that area. Independent Variable: The independent variable of this experiment will be the amount of water that is to be added to the soil. This variable will be measured using millilitres and a measuring cup. The range of values for this will be: 0mls, 25mls, 50mls, 75mls and 100mls. To keep this experiment as fair and accurate as possible, the water will be the exact amount by myself getting down to eye level and pouring the water in little amounts to get the precise amount of water needed. Dependent Variable:
Friday, November 8, 2019
Getting the Gold †Scholarship Essay
Getting the Gold – Scholarship Essay Free Online Research Papers As the crowd cheered for me, my heart beats we anticipation, waiting in wanting the gun to the sound. The race hasnt started but i am already sweating. A drop of sweat falls for the ground, as its falling I think about how much pressure is on this race. I have trained hard for this moment in the Olympics, and id feel tremendous pain if I lost. Drip my sweat hits the hot ground and everything sounds like it’s in slow motion. Get ready set go..bang! the gun sounds and my heart feels like its now out of my body and onto the track. My first foot leaves the blocks followed by my second. I think about how I must push my self if I want to win. As I take my second stride I see my coach in my head screaming and screaming and yelling and yelling at me. go, go go he says. As I turn to see if any one is next to me, I see my coach, nothing like when I am practicing, but calm as ever, as if he knows I am going to win. He just stood there waiting, watching with this blank look on his face as if hes just there looking at a ghost run. No emotions, no sweat, not a hint of worry. This gave me confidence. I knew that I was the best in the world, I know that no one in the race could match the strength and the will that I had as an athlete, as I got ready to explode on my third stride I totally forgot where I was. I saw my self as a child again, running down the country roads of Texas. Those were the days, I told myself, and I would be an Olympian. Playing tag and racing to the lake, for most kids was just fun, but for me it was my way of testing and training myself for the future. I always knew that one day id be here, representing my country in the best way I knew how. This was my life long ambition. The goal I have waited years to accomplish. Years I have trained, just to race one race that takes less than 15 seconds. A price to pay for the goal. As I remember where I am, I feel my muscles in my body tightening, as if there going to pop. As I lunge for the tape I notice an opponent catching up to me on the right side. And as he was going faster I was going slower. My thoughts were all scrambled my body felt the urge to fight pain and take the lead. As I got closer to the tape I noticed how close my opponent was to me, I couldn’t loose. My thoughts were running wild; I knew I had to concentrate if I wanted to win. I took a deep breathe and pushed myself as hard as I could. I stretched my neck as far as I could andand. I broke a world record by 2.36 seconds. My heart wasn’t on the track anymore; it was in space some where. I didn’t really think about anything, I just walked off the track and sat down. After 4 events it finally hit me that I not only broke a world record, I got the gold. Research Papers on Getting the Gold - Scholarship EssayThe Hockey GameThe Spring and Autumn19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West MeetUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHip-Hop is Art
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How to Adjust Standard Book Review Formats to Nonfiction Entries
How to Adjust Standard Book Review Formats to Nonfiction Entries How to Adjust Standard Book Review Formats to Nonfiction Entries It sometimes seems that writing a book review is a piece of cake. That’s because you often mix it up with a book report which is just a record of events that happened in a certain literary work. Students usually get such an assignment in secondary or high schools maximum (because the task doesn’t require a great deal of analysis or critical thinking). But it’s not the same with book reviews which are common homework at colleges and universities. You’ll have to make some efforts in order to comply with the regular academic standards and live up to your professor’s expectations, especially when you need to adapt book review formats to nonfiction entries. But don’t get rattled – we’ve compiled a list of guidelines on this topic that will help you to do your best while completing this assignment. Review the Author’s Previous Works and Interests Make sure you understand the style of the writer and can follow his/her thread of thoughts. In novels or poems, there is usually a story, but a scientific work or news article can be devoid of the obvious plot, and it may be hard for you to perceive the main idea. So, read about author’s background and have a perfunctory look at his/her previous works. Carefully Consider the Audience While reviewing a fiction story, it’s easy to imagine who the readers are. But when it comes, let’s say, to social sciences, you can’t predict who is interested in the subject. That’s why the target audience in your head has to be pretty wide – if you want to have a more specific image, go to such websites like Amazon and read reviews on the work you are going to describe. There, you’ll certainly gain some useful insights. Do the Research for the Evaluation While writing a book review on a nonfiction work, you need to have some solid knowledge about the subject matter it deals with. Otherwise, you won’t be able to assess the statements of the author and provide any kind of analytical evaluation in your assignment. And this is the most important part of nonfiction book reviews. Dwell upon the Importance of the Topic Does the writer cover some burning issues or creates useless articles on pasta types that already have been described dozens of times? Be sure that you estimate the importance of the subject matter and hit it over the fence for your audience. Don’t Play with Over- or Underestimation Your professor wants to see an adequate review with constructive criticism or worthy praise. Don’t say that someone’s arguments are not reliable enough just to fill in the space in your writing assignment. Include only your real assumptions without any exaggerations. This way, your book review will be authentic and original. Writing a nonfiction book review is complicated exactly because it is easy – every supervisor expects that you will be able to do it, so they want to see something more than just following the standard set of regulations. Consider out tips and create a paper that stands out from the crowd. All in all, you can easily buy book review online from our agency.
Monday, November 4, 2019
About the University Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
About the University - Case Study Example The organization will also be focused on offering a chance to pursue various programs without interferences, thereby eliminating hindrances brought about by various internal and external factors. Besides, this organization will be located in an area with tranquility in order to provide students with favorable environment for studying. Developing Global Goals for the Organization Social cognitive theory focuses on self-efficacy or self-direction, which is considered crucial being a predictor of people’s behaviors. Bandura (1997) establishes a shift regarding people’s reaction towards the past, present and future. Moreover, he argues that human behaviors are guided by their goals and results, which are projected into their future (Bandura, 1997). Crucial reflection of people’s self-efficacy is facilitated by their ability to control themselves and establish a self-reflection. There are situation that in this organization people may fail to live up to the standards that they have set for themselves. Nonetheless, there are researchers, which have been conducted by Bandura (1977) in the field of social cognitive theory, whereby he recognizes the actions that results to people’s ability to process information and make choices in accordance to the things they know in regard to consequences of their actions or actions of others. Team Development and Leadership Perspective As the team leader there is need to set dates for checking on the progress with the other members of team in order to facilitate its development. Moreover, this helped us to maintain the cohesiveness of the group and ensure that everyone behaving in accordance to the expectations of the group. There are three of the most substantial traits that a good leader should have in order to facilitate team development; in fact, these traits are elaborated on the basis of leadership theories. According to Fiedler and Garcia (1987), one of the traits is explained in the Contingency Theories which expects the successful leaders be able to identify the clues in the environment and that they adapt with their leader behavior in order to meet the differentiated needs of their followers. The Vroom leadership theory expects them to participate in decision making. It also provides a set of rules for determination of participative decision making. The third trait is Transformational leadership that combines the behavioral theories with the trait theories, while being a Transactional leader I will guide my group in the direction that will establish objective by clarify task requirements. Human Development Perspective While managing the human resource in this university, there will be need to focus on satisfying employees psychological and social needs. In this case, the psychological needs will involve motivating them to exercise persona control of their actions and self-efficacy. On the other hand, satisfaction of their soc ial needs will be achieved by empowering them by modeling programs of personal control in terms of the way they can cope with stress or criticism; in fact, this will involve offering them skills to enables them cope with circumstances that they are likely to face during their daily operations. In addition, empowerment will involve provision of relevant sources of knowledge, skills, and convictions, which can allow employees to control their lives. Diversity/Multicultural Perspective There is an interpretation of diversity, which includes the ways in
Friday, November 1, 2019
State, Market and Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
State, Market and Social Policy - Essay Example At most of part of this paper is the provision of the answer to the question on whether we should be concerned on market failure or government failure. There are inefficiencies brought about by monopolies. One in which is that they can get away with imposing higher non-pecuniary (non-financial) costs on buyers (Lewis and Widerquist 2001). For instance, assuming a small local market for counseling had just one provider of psychotherapy. Clients who went to this provider's office might have to spend long periods in waiting areas. This would have been the time that the clients could have spent engaging in other valuable activities; as a result their waiting time would be a cost. The therapist might be able to do some things to lessen clients' waits, other than as a monopolist, the therapist faces no viable demands to do any of them. In response to this, Lewis and Widerquist (2001) assert that a government has three things it can do to lessen and improve the inefficiency caused by monopolies. First, it can attempt to promote competition in monopolistic markets through breaking up monopolies or by avoiding them from forming. This is the reason why the United States has antitrust laws. Antitrust laws limit mergers (the joining together of firms in order to create bigger firms) between firms that sell goods in the same market. Moreover, antitrust laws also limit price-fixing between firms in the same market through preventing competing firms from performing as if they were monopolists. Evidently, the U.S. government utilized antitrust laws to break up American Telephone and Telegraph's monopoly on long-distance phone service, and the Justice Department has taken Microsoft to court. Second, governments have the power to decide whether to permit the monopoly to survive but regulate its price. As an application and realization, the U.S. government has employed this solution for phone companies and electricity companies, and local governments on occasion use it for cable television. This preference is frequently used for industries that are supposed to be natural monopolies. For the reason that a group of smaller firms would have a higher cost than one large firm would, breaching up a natural monopoly would not work very well. On the other hand, leaving the natural monopolist alone generally is not a good suggestion since natural monopolies have the same aspiration to get the most out of profit as any other firm, subsequently they will increase prices higher than costs and have the tendency to raise prices well above costs. For instance, one may think that his/her water bill is high now, but how high would your bill have to go before you seriously considered drilli ng a well You would probably let it go quite high (as cited in Lewis and Widerquist 2001). Therefore, if the water company were an unregulated monopolist, it could get away with a very high price. It is not easy for government to determine the right price to tolerate a natural monopolist to charge, and firms that face a regulated price have efficiency problems, but regulation may be the best solution, basing on the options. Lastly, the government may perhaps plainly take the monopoly over and run it itself. The U.S. government
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