Monday, September 30, 2019
Explain How to Support Children and Young People According to Their Age, Needs and Abilities to Make Personal Choices and Experiences That Have a Positive Impact on Their Lives
CT232 Understand how to support positive outcomes for children and young people In addition to reading page 184 to 207 of your Heinemann level 3 diploma tex book please put together some notes which show you have researched this unit.. Once you have done this please email me your notes so they can be used as evidence. Your notes need to cover the following †¦ 1. 1 Describe the social, economic and cultural factors that will impact on the lives of children and young people They are many issues in our lives that can have an impact on children/young people, this could be Social factors Illness/disability- this can cause a child/children to miss out on a large chuck of the education and struggle to achieve due to them taking frequent visits to the hospital or that they have to stay at home most of the time. It may cause them to miss out on activities such as sports, which could leave them feeling isolated and full of resentment and may cause them to have behavioural problems. It can also cause people to misjudged them as lacking intelligence and therefore given challenge, leading to boredom and perceived disruptive behaviour If the child is the carer of parents with illness/disability this can lead to emotional difficulties, they may struggle to understand the role reversal they are experiencing, view themselves as being more mature than their peers which can result in them struggling to form friendships and may become resentful at missing out on the childhood and present challenging behaviour. They may suffer anxiety whilst away from home and worry about their parents, resulting failure to engage in their education. * Poor parental supervision/neglect- children need routine, guidance, love, boundaries, positive discipline etc†¦ Without these they will be constantly in conflict at school because they do not know or understand acceptable boundaries. They may be unaware of dangers they can face in life. They may have distorted view of their own abilities and may believe they are allowed to do what they want because they were never prevented. They believe they are unloved, unimportant and unvalued and as they grow older this could lead to depression and self harm. Lack of boundaries could result in them becoming involved in crime and anti-social behaviour. Neglect could lead to health problems through malnutrition. They may struggle to form social relationships because of their lack of personal hygiene. Poor clothing could lead to bulling and teasing, causing them to be withdrawn and become isolated. Offending or anti-social behaviour- children who breaks the law may run the risk of being excluded from school or their family being evicted from their social housing accommodation a child could be taken into care for various reasons such as a parent could be imprison, this could cause a child to be emotional stress. The child may perceive the behaviour as normal or acceptable. It may result in them making some bad person choice and would result in them suffering a disruptive education and struggle to form long term stable fr iendships * Addictions- the impact on addictions can be varied. They can suffer health problems. If their mother had a drug or alcohol problem during pregnancy. They may suffer from neglect, abuse /violence. If they have younger siblings they may find themselves responsible for their care and therefore may suffer stress and feel isolated. They may feel scared and find it difficult to speak to people for fear of getting in trouble or going into care. They may ultimately find themselves in care if the addiction results in their parents being unable to care for them. They may become involved in crime to support their family. At school they may be disruptive or withdrawn, have mood swings and outbursts of violence * Bereavement and parent’s separation- this can leave a child feeling very insecure and frightened. They may become quiet and withdrawn. They may become very emotional, clingy and tearful or become violent and abusive. They may feel angry, let down and abandoned. Their work and concentration at school may suffer as a result of any stress and worry they may be feeling. They may suffer poverty as a result of a fall inthe household income and also suffer a dramatic change in lifestyle that leave them confused. Cultural factors * Religious beliefs and customs- children may have to attend a school associated with their religion, and may therefore receive a less balanced education. They may struggle to understand other people‘s religion or lifestyle choices, especially if it goes against what they are taught. They may become confuse or isolated and struggle to interact with the wider community. They may also experience or witness abuse on the grounds of their religious beliefs and customs, leaving them not only confused and isolated but fearful. * Ethnic beliefs and customs- children may have different form of clothing, customs which could lead to them being teased or bullied. Their culture ma view interaction between men and women, women and women or men and men in a different way and the children will struggle to recognise what is acceptable at school as it differs from home. This could cause them to come into conflict with school rules or to be perceived as a trouble maker. Economical factors * Education- children whose parents have had poor education or lack numeracy and literacy skills can or may struggle at school, their parents may show little or no interest in their education and as a result they themselves may also lose interest and starts miss behaving in class or follow in the wrong crowd of friend which will lead to them failing in their education and struggle to get employment as an adult * Poverty- this can result from low income, unemployment, parental separation, illness or disability, addictions, or criminal activities. Children may suffer malnutrition or a poor diet as a result of their parents being unable to afford quality food. This could result in lack of concentration or poor performance at school. They could also suffer other health related issues. They may be the subject of bullying as a result of their clothing or because they do not have the latest ‘must have’ accessories. They will probably miss out on further education due to the costs involved, or as a result of the need to find employment to help support the family. * Poor housing- One of the side effects of poverty is poor housing. People on low income are often dependent on local authority housing. This may result in overcrowding, for example being housed in a bedsit or home with insufficient bedrooms. This means the child has no privacy, or personal space. They may struggle with homework and course work because of the lack of a quiet space in which to complete it. The housing provided may be of a poor quality – suffering damp or be in disrepair. This could have a detrimental effect on the child’s health – causing asthma or frequent colds and coughs. It will probably be in a less desirable area or could be in an area with social disorder problems. This may result in the children becoming isolated, as their parents may be fearful of letting them out to play or they may themselves become involved in anti-social behaviour and criminal activities. Although dealt with separately, many of these factors are interconnected; unemployment or low income can lead to poor housing. Poor housing can lead to health problems, which can lead to frequent school absences. They will not only affect the child’s present lifestyle and health, but also their future, right through to adulthood. This pattern could then continue into the lives of their children. Without support and intervention, they and their families could find themselves trapped in a cycle of disadvantage 1. 2 Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people? s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances 2. Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve 2. 2 Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in decisions affecting their lives 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and abilities to make personal choices and experie nces that have a positive impact on their lives 1. Explain the importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people 1. 3 Explain the role of children and young people? s personal choices and experiences on their outcomes and life chances 2. 1 Identify the positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve The EYFS states that every child matters and that they should all be given opportunity to achieve the every child matter five learn goals outcome and that practitioners should place emphasises so that they may be able to achieve on every level of the five learning goals. This means that as professionals that we help and encourage the children to be healthy, by giving them healthy meals/snacks at appropriate times. We encourage the children to drink water. Help them to cope with everyday life such as personal stress, help to build their self esteem. Encourage them in the right direction about their physical, mental, emotional, sexual health and to avoid drug taking. The EYFS works within the Every child Matters (children’s Act 2004) and links to the statutory framework: 2. Explain the importance of designing services around the needs of children and young people it is Important to design services around needs because it makes best use of the money we have, it targets the services properly, so doesn't waste time or resources. Putting the child at the centre means, rather than it being about adults and what they want, it is actually about what the child NEEDS. 2. 3 Explain the importance of active participation of children and young people in dec isions affecting their lives it is Important for them to participate actively because that way they feel (awful phrase) ‘ownership', i. . if they feel they ‘own it', they are more likely to respond to it and use it, also it's just basic common sense that they should decide – they know what they need (mostly) after all. 2. 4 Explain how to support children and young people according to their age, needs and abilities to make personal choices and experiences that have a positive impact on their lives 3. 1 Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children and young people 3. 2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements 3. Explain the social and medical models of disability and the impact of each on practice 3. 4 Explain the different types of support that are available for disabled children and young people and those with specific requirements 4. 1 Explain the meaning of equality, div ersity and inclusion in the context of positive outcomes for children and young people 4. 2 Compare, giving examples, ways in which services for children, young people and their carers take account of and promote equality, diversity and inclusion to promote positive outcomes
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Life Is Beautiful (Film) -Speech
Good morning everyone. My name is Joshua Orefice, in the early part of my childhood life is beautiful, living in Arezzo, Italy with my loving mother and father, Guido and Dora, but things take a turn for the worst with the occupation of my hometown by German forces. On my fifth birthday my Mother, Father, Uncle Eliseo and myself were forced onto a train bound for a concentration camp.At the time I was confused, unaware of the true nature of the camp and completely oblivious to the vile actions that really occurred at this place of death. In order to protect me from a world that was not fit for five year old boy, my father had to think fast on his feet to turn the hard truth into a mere game. In the camp, my father would hide me from the Nazi guards, sneak me food and would always try to humour me.In an attempt to keep up me spirits, He convinced me that the camp was just a game, in which the first person to get 1,000 points wins a tank. He told me that if I cried, said that I was hungry or complained about missing my mother, I would lose points, while if I was quiet and remained hidden from the camp guards I would earn points. In a similar fashion he also convinced my young self that the guards are also a part of the game and that were angry because they want the tank for themselves.My father maintained this story right up to the end of his life, and as the Americans advance on the camp and their tanks come closer to rolling over the hill, my father was forced to make the greatest sacrifice in order to ensure my safety and that I can be again reunited with my mother. Despite him knowing that his death was inevitable, at our final moment he still upheld his positive attitude and protected from the evils of mankind. From this journey I can now look back on what my father taught me, that love, family and imagination can conquer all. Life is beautiful.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Performance Enhancing Drugs Trends Solutions Health And Social Care Essay
Everyone one is making it, in one signifier or another. Everyone is utilizing some type of performance-enhancing drug. That cup of java most people need to do it out of the front door each forenoon is because of the caffeine in the java. That bottle of Cola or energy drink invariably in the custodies of college pupils is non merely for thirst extinction. It is besides for the excess small jar of energy provided by caffeine and other stimulations in the drink so they can remain focussed and watchful during a peculiarly deadening category. These are slightly benign illustrations of performance-enhancing drug usage ; nevertheless, other utilizations are non so harmless. Most people want to be the best, whether it is hiting the most points in a ballgame or accomplishing the highest mark on a college entryway test. Performance-enhancing drugs may assist to present the coveted consequences. Performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. Performance-enhancing drugs are substances that aid in public presentation, energy, or work to supply an advantage over oppositions ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray ( 2009 ) , â€Å" ergogenic is to bring forth energy or work ; to boot, it refers to drugs or other methods designed to heighten the public presentation of an jock †( p. 394 ) . Athletes have used these drugs in assorted signifiers for centuries. As stated by Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) , certain Olympic jocks consumed plant-based substances with stimulant-like effects to accomplish a competitory border ( p. 392 ) . In add-on, athletes perchance used Strychnine, a cardinal nervous system stimulation in low doses, during the 19th and twentieth centuries ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . However, since Strychnine is a really effectual toxicant for gnawers, users had to be really careful with the dose ; an overdose could take to ictuss and finally to decease ( Hart, Ksir , & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . In fact, Thornton ( 2009 ) claimed that in 1904 Olympic endurance contest smuggler, Thomas J. Hicks won because of this early doping pattern. Furthermore, the populace was non upset about his unjust advantage but the fact that other rivals did non hold similar advantages available to them. Hicks ‘s triumph and subsequent prostration was non the first incidence to get down the treatment of performance-enhancing drugs in athleticss. That happened in 1895 when the New York Times suggested stimulations had no topographic point in featuring events ( Thornton, 2009 ) . In add-on, cocaine besides has as a history as a public presentation assistance during the nineteenth century ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 393 ) . Although some people do non see cocaine an ergogenic agent, it can supply some energy and increase assurance slightly in a short-run athletic public presentation. Harmonizing to Thornton ( 2009 ) , â€Å" As organized sports evolved in the 1800s, there were histories of swimmers and bicyclers imbibing cocaine quinine waters before and during races †( para.11 ) . In fact, the mastication of the coca works for energy has been a portion of certain civilizations for centuries ( Thornton, 2009 ) . Historically, because of its mild stimulating actions, caffeine like cocaine is a performance-enhancing drug. Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) suggested rivals put pure caffeine in their drinks or consumed it orally in pill signifier ( p. 393 ) . Furthermore, pep pills became the public presentation sweetening of pick during the mid-nineteen 100s. It produced greater consequences than caffeine, the effects of the drug lasted longer than cocaine ‘s effects, and it was a safer option to strychnine. Amphetamine usage in athleticss reached international graduated table doing prostration and decease of some users ; ensuing in antidoping Torahs in France and Belgium ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 394 ) . Even now, the most often misused stimulations in athleticss are pep pills, caffeine, and cocaine. Stimulations have proven to lengthen endurance by detaining weariness. Small admiration jocks choose to put on the line their wellness for that little addition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . That little addition comes with a monetary value ; nevertheless, the side effects with pep pills and cocaine are many. The unpleasant reactions to these drugs may include confusion, paranoia, and hallucinations. Heart irregularities, high blood pressure, and prostration are besides inauspicious effects of pep pills and cocaine ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Both drugs are Schedule II substances with high psychological dependance potency ( U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2004 ) . Caffeine as a drug can besides increase endurance and lessen weariness therefore it is a public presentation supporter. Since caffeine is of course portion of so many nutrients and drinks consumed worldwide, that many see it of small concern unless the sums are extremely big ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . However, it does hold some harmful side effects, with jitteriness and insomnia being the most prevailing. Caffeine can besides do decease if the sum is big plenty ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . When discoursing stimulations, ephedrine has its topographic point in this group of substances. This drug comes from the mom huang works, ephedra. It is medically use to handle diseases of the lungs including asthma. It is used in the competitory universe of athleticss for it ergogenic belongingss of increased energy. It is associated with bettering watchfulness and helping in weight loss ( D. , 2009 ) . The unpleasant reactions to ephedrine are high blood pressure, irregular pulse, and perchance stroke. Because of these awful side effects of ephedrine, the United States authorities outlawed it in 2004 ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Furthermore, some stimulations can help in bettering cognitive maps. For case, Ritalin, Benzedrine, Adderall, and Dexedrine offer improved concentration and mental public presentation. These drugs are normally associated with attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ADHD, as a class of intervention. It is a well-documented fact that college pupils take these drugs for the competitory advantage they offers ( Good, 2010 ) . Students are non the lone people taking these drugs on college campuses. As quoted in DeNoon, â€Å" In academe, we know that a figure of our scientific co-workers in the United States and the United Kingdom already use [ Provigil ] to antagonize the consequences of jetlag, to heighten productiveness or mental energy, or to cover with demanding and of import rational challenges †( 2008 ) . Presently, the most abused performance-enhancing drugs of pick are steroids. Anabolic steroids are man-made substances related to the male sex endocrine testosterone. The performance-enhancing result of steroid usage consists of elevated organic structure weight and thin musculus mass with an addition in strength ( Jarvi, 2004 ) . Testosterone is responsible for the growing of skeletal musculuss and male sexual development in males and females. Specifically, the testicles in work forces and the ovaries in adult females and other tissues produce the endocrine. These steroids belong to the anabolic-androgenic category of drugs. The anabolic constituent AIDSs in edifice tissue. The androgenic portion promotes masculine traits experienced in male childs throughout pubescence ( Steroid Abuse in Today ‘s Society: A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances, 2004 ) . Anabolic steroids came approximately in the late 1930 chiefly to handle powerlessness, delayed pubescence, or hypogonadism, a status in which the testicles do non bring forth adequate testosterone for normal sexual development. Other medical cases in which patients can profit from anabolic steroids are terrible Burnss, malignant neoplastic disease, acquired immune lack syndrome, and terrible injury. When discovered that these drugs could besides assist the growing of musculuss in healthy people, it was non long before muscle builders ; weightlifter and other jocks began mistreating anabolic steroids ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . However, prior to this some states administered testosterone to their Olympic jocks to derive a competitory advantage. Reportedly, work forces and adult females received highly high doses ensuing in negative side effects to the participants ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 395 ) . Anabolic steroids are consumed orally or by injection. The most normally used unwritten steroids are Anadrol, Oxandrin, Dianabol, and Winstrol. The most used injected drugs are Deca-Durabolin, Durobolin, Depo-Testosterone, and Equipoise ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . The physical side effects consist of liver upsets, high blood pressure, high-blood cholesterin degrees, and other unwanted medical conditions including decease. Additionally, when these substances are overly abused work forces may see expansion of the chests and prostate, shrinking of the testiss, and asepsis. Women, on the other manus, may endure sterility, increased facial hair, deepened voice, smaller chests, and other irreversible male-like features ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Regardless of these deductions, anabolic steroids in adult females are going popular drugs. Why would adult females set themselves at such hazards? That supermodel organic structure is the reply. Women and immature misss are cognizant of what society in general expect of them. They must be thin, yet shapely. By using illicit steroids, these immature adult females can lose the fat but maintain the musculus tone that is so of import in stand foring a tight and fit organic structure. They merely experience better about themselves and they recognition the anabolic steroids with doing all these things happen ( Henry, 2007 ) . Furthermore, utmost anabolic steroid usage can do psychological harm every bit good. Behavior alteration may include more aggressiveness, possible delusional episodes, and depression. The hazards involved with the continual usage of anabolic steroids and the cravings for the drugs suggest dependence is a possibility ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . Consequently, anabolic steroids became a Schedule III drug. As such, all informations related these drugs must be faultless and prescriptions are restricted ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Nevertheless, of class, those who want them can buy them illegitimately on the black market merely like other illegal drugs. Then there is Tetrahydrogestrinone, better known as THG. This peculiar anabolic steroid behaves like testosterone inside the organic structure. THG is a man-made drug that was really developed by Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative or BALCO so rivals can avoid sensing when tested for steroids before competition. This drug may increase musculus strength and promote musculus growing, which is why jocks choose to utilize it. The side effectives are similar to the negative side of effects of natural steroids ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p.395 ) . THG is a Agenda I controlled drugs because of its high potency for maltreatment and it has no echt medical usage ( D. , 2009 ) . Another â€Å" interior decorator †steroid called Androstenedione or Andro is created from of course happening steroid endocrines in the organic structure. Andro entered the scene as a dietetic addendum and a merchandise to cut down the effects of aging. Once consumed, the addendum becomes testosterone in the organic structure ; ensuing in ergogenic alterations and negative side effects comparable to anabolic steroids. The Federal Drug Administration banned it in 2004, except for medical intents because of its utmost â€Å" anabolic and androgenic effects †( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Despite the negative side effects, this peculiar addendum became really popular after Mark McGwire admitted to utilizing it during his chase of the homerun rubric ( D. , 2009 ) . Human growing endocrine or HGH is another public presentation foil. This peculiar endocrine is secreted by the pituitary secretory organ ; and as such, muscle addition can be achieved without the androgenic or masculinizing consequence of anabolic steroids. The medical community usage HGH to help kids with growing issues. HGH provides public presentation heightening qualities because its ergogenic ability. It may do a decrease in organic structure fat and an addition in musculus mass. A few of the negative effects of inordinate usage include going excessively big or tall, high blood force per unit area, sightlessness, and perchance type-2 diabetes. HGH is a prohibited drug in competitory athleticss ; nevertheless, athletes seek it out because there is no dependable proving available to observe the of course happening endocrine ( Zeigler, 2010 ) . Furthermore, Erythropoietin besides called EPO is deriving popularity as a public presentation foil. It is a of course endocrine produced by the kidneys to help in making more ruddy blood cells ; this would decidedly bespeak echt medical intervention for anemia-related conditions ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The procedure is slightly drawn-out, with the remotion of blood from the jock, which is stored so re-introduced back inside the organic structure merely yearss before a competition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Of class, the organic structure of course rebuilds the blood making more viscousness once the removed blood is reintroduced to the organic structure with an appreciative alteration in endurance ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The consequence is more oxygen-rich blood. A twosome of the unpleasant side effects are high blood pressure and possible curdling of the blood that could take to several serious conditions including decease ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Blood doping delive rs comparable consequences ; it involves transfusions of the jock ‘s ain blood right before an event ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) Peoples use many prescription drugs as public presentation supporters every bit good. Most perceptibly is Clenbuterol, a beta-2 agonist. Clenbuterol, besides know n as Clen, is a bronchodilator that belongs to the category of drugs that treat asthma and other pneumonic diseases of the lungs. However, it is non approved for human usage in the United States ; it is normally used in other states ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Because of the drugs ability in cut downing organic structure fat and increasing thin musculuss, it is a favourite of bodybuilding jocks ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Here once more, adult females are more likely to utilize Clen because it does non bring forth the masculine like effects of anabolic steroids and its possible to increase weight loss ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Clen is presently non a controlled substance but it does hold some inauspicious side effects. These side effects include cardiovascular issues and jitteriness. Additionally, Clen is one of the banned substances by bureaus involved in competitory athleticss ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Nutritional dietetic addendums have ergogenic belongingss as good. Creatine is one such addendum sold lawfully in the United States ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . Surveies have confirmed that Creatine produces consequences desired by most jocks, increased strength and greater velocity ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . The inauspicious effects of excess lbs and cramping are minor compared to other public presentation heightening drugs ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . In decision, performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. It seems like weekly the public learns of some star athlete rip offing with performance-enhancing drugs or addendums. Society should be concerned about the message this is directing to immature, waxy kids. The competitory universe of athleticss is seeking to turn to this job with assorted proving processs and stiff punishments for those who violate when they use these substances. Schools have to be more proactive with plans in topographic point to educate pupils about the injury caused by performance-enhancing drug usage and maltreatment. Children and immature grownups besides need to understand how of import personal unity and just drama are in all countries, non merely athleticss. Many are really willing to put on the line their wellness or even their lives merely to come out on top. Many are willing to throw away old ages of difficult work for that alleged 15 proceedingss of celebrity. Marion Jones is the perfect illustration non to utilize banned or illicit public presentation boosting substances. She had it all ; so lost everything, the five Olympic Gold Medals, and her freedom for six months ( D. , 2009 ) . The enticement of moneymaking endorsement trades and indignations wages is more of an inducement to rip off than just drama. Conversely, the competition for athletic and academic scholarships does non promote much honestness either. However, boundaries must use across all subjects to eliminate the maltreatment of performance-enhancing drugs.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Tools of Monetary Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Tools of Monetary Policy - Assignment Example If the required reserve ratio was increased for these big banks they would hold more deposits and lend few. This would not hold the problem at hand as these banks are too big to suffer from search changes (The Editorial Board). The increase would lead rather to a decrease in the money supply and thus the public would suffer as this would lead to an increase in interest rates. Graph 1 The graph above illustrates and demonstrates a decrease in the money supply, which leads to the increased interest rates. An open market operations Open market operation is the buying and selling of government securities in the open market through the Central Bank of a given country. If there is excess money in the economy or rather inflation, and the government wants to reduce this amount, it will sell its securities to the public. The money obtained is used to develop other sectors of the economy or to invest in investments with high returns (The Editorial Board). If, on the other hand, there is little money in the economy, the government will buy these securities from the public to increase money in the economy. To ensure this, the government has ensured that the public has information about these securities and are educated on their importance in the economy at large. Graph 2 According to the graph above increase in money supply (ms) from (Ms0) to (Ms1) the increase, in essence, leads to a decrease in interest rate (r). Interest rate policy For the central bank to control the flow of money in the economy besides bank rate and cash reserve ratio, the central bank can directly influence the economy by increasing or reducing the interest rates. An increase in interest rate causes an increase in money demand, in the economy. This would be the best choice in an economy that wants to favour capital investment. The author is insisting on a change of laws whereas in a free market there are already flexible policies that can aid in protecting the individuals. As illustrated above when t he interest rates are low the people are encouraged to borrow from the bank since it is cheap, when they borrow they use the money to buy bonds, and for other capital investments the central bank interferes by increasing the bank interest rate to reduce the demand for bonds, in essence, the money demand shifts from MD1 to MD2. 2. What role did weak financial regulation and supervision play in causing the 2007-2009 financial crises? Financial regulation refers to the laws and rules that are set by the government of a particular country to govern the financial institutions like the banks and other investment companies. It is majorly done to ensure financial stability in the financial system thus ensuring that funds flow smoothly between investors and savers. This will, in turn, lead to economic growth. The laws also ensure that there is minimized the rate of financial crime by doing away with illegal businesses in the financial system. This has made the public have confidence in the f inancial system since they are sure that their businesses are legal and whatever the returns the get is transparent. Lastly, financial regulation has helped in increasing information to investors, and this has helped in the reduction of both adverse selection and moral hazard problems. A financial crisis takes place when there is a large interference to the flow of information in the financial markets, and this makes the financial system not to function properly.  Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
History of Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
History of Russia - Essay Example ever, later internal conflicts, political tension as well as socio-economic difficulties of the country forced it to go for a bloody revolution which brought into power Lenin and so called Bolsheviks. Joseph Stalin was part of the Communist Party of Russia, which was instrumental behind the revolution of 1917. Joseph Stalin was one of the most important characters in the history of Russia after revolution. The revolution that was materialized by Lenin and has comrades finally resulted into establishing the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. He was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Russia until his death and rose to the prominence only after the death of Lenin. His rise to the power is a really interesting story because he carried forward the beliefs and values which he adapted as a child and as an adolescent. His era was one of the most important eras for Russia in terms of economic progress as there was a massive shift from rural based economy to more industrial economy within Russia. In order to assess whether the era of Stalin represented a significant break from the course begun by Lenin and his party, it is very important that we must first understand the circumstances behind the rise of Stalin to the power. Stalin’s early life wasn’t well as he was born in a family which was not financially well off however, as he grew, he developed himself as a person who has great liking for bank robberies, kidnapping, extortion etc. since his joining of the Communist party, he took active part into such activities and was jailed too. However, he continued to impress the leaders within the communist party for his superiority in executing such activities. The Russian revolution was largely a result of internal socio-economic conditions, which were mostly considered as oppressive and were against the interest of the common Russian. The Tsars of Russia was mainly behind creating political tension within the country which was also widening the class gap within
E-business and value chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
E-business and value chain - Essay Example The source of revenue for Amazon is mainly from direct sales of items ordered and processed by customers. QXL ricardo plc operates through auction model of e-business where bidders and sellers are connected to undertake different transactions. Commissions are identified as the main source of revenue and are based on what has been agreed upon between site administrators and seller of merchandise. QXL ricardo plc has introduced a number of innovations such as live auctioning which resulted in combination of internet and television in the process of auction to involve viewers therefore attracting more users. Daum Communication Corporation is the third business organization analysed and operates using portal model of e-business with horizontal portal being specific system used to offer content from different areas potential users of company portal are interested to visit. Core value proposition for Daum is based on user access to a range of content on different topics and services offere d by Daum. Duam earns revenue from sales of different services and products while also providing an advertisement and database-marketing platform. Analysis of different business models is an essential practice which helps in understanding available methods of doing business more suitable for a company to sustain its operation through generation of revenue. It is possible to use business model to identify how a business makes money and therefore be able to determine its position in the value chain. In order to tap into potentials presented by scientific and technological development of internet and computer technology, companies have developed different business models. These business models that are web- based have taken advantage of benefits of personalized service, high-quality customer service, and improved supply chain management that can be generated from conducting an e-business. To understand how different e-business models
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Interest Rate Options Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interest Rate Options - Essay Example As the paper delcares a common example of this bond is, the Treasury Bond Futures Option. Others are Treasury Notes Futures Options and Eurodollar Futures Options. The Treasury Bond Future Options is priced at 1/64th of 1% of the Treasury Bond face value; the Eurodollar Futures Bond is calculated at 0.01 basis point value being equivalent to $25. It is to be noted here that the interest rate futures prices are indirectly proportional to the bond price increases or decrease. This report discusses that Black’s model is a mutation from the Black Scholes Model, which uses the rate of interest as the base for pricing the options. The most important factor is that it functions on the assumptions that â€Å"a key market variable will be lognormally distributed at a future time†. When Black's model is used to value the price of European interest rate options, the worth of future price of V for a contract maturing at time T, is usually set equal to the forward price of V rather than its futures price. This is more theoretical than practical since in this case you will have to assume that the rates of interest also remain constant while discounting over the same period of future, which is definitely not the case. This is an option which has pre-determined selling price and time. This value is determined based on the Black’s Model assumptions, that the price is lognormal at the pre-fixed time in the future. The value of the bond option can be worked out with the following equations using the Black’s model which sets Fo equal to the forward bond price.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Ethics Awareness Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethics Awareness Inventory - Essay Example 1987. pp192-193). In the modern context, an individual's decision would be accepted as ethical if the person has taken all impacting factors into account and considered all those people who would be impacted by the decision. Given the modern complexity of organizational & social systems, it is practically impossible to take a decision that doesn't impact anyone negatively. Hence, all such decisions that are taken in the favor of the larger part of the mass are normally treated as ethical. Overall, the Ethical Decision making orientation of an individual can be judged by the Ethics Awareness Inventory Profile that requires answering a series of questions by assigning the "level of agreement" that are useful in identifying the inclination of an individual towards the four measurable parameters of Ethical Decision Making - Character, Obligation, Results and Equity. In this paper, I present a brief on these four parameters, my own Ethics Awareness Inventory and an ethical challenge that I faced in the pa st at my workplace. [The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management - EAI. (2008)] The Ethics Awareness Inventory takes into account the Ethical orientation... ory takes into account the Ethical orientation of an individual towards four measurable parameters - Character, Obligation, Results and Equity (CORE). The measurements are carried out through a questionnaire that asks the individual to vote at a certain level of agreement against the questions asked - ranging between the extremes of strong disagreement to strong agreement. The orientation against the four parameters is defined as below: Ethics Orientation towards Character - An individual who gives high value to excellent moral principles, integrity, honesty and behavior Ethics Orientation towards Obligation - An individual who gives high value to loyalty towards an individual or organization by demonstrating high levels of responsibility Ethics Orientation towards Results - An individual who gives high value to the results of a decision and hence thinks through every aspect of the impact of the decision on everyone involved Ethics Orientation towards Equity - An individual who gives high value to his/her equity in a decision and believe that beliefs of right or wrong should be changed based on circumstances in order to extract the best benefits out of them. [The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management - EAI. (2008)] My Ethics Awareness Inventory: My Ethics Awareness Inventory assessed against the on-line questions at the portal of Williams Institute of Ethics and Management reveals that my Ethics Awareness profile is more aligned towards Character & Obligation and Least aligned towards Results & Equity. When I map the results with my own thought process, I realize that I have been giving highest emphasis to moral excellence and loyalty to my employer against results & equity. I have never bothered about the results of my decision as long as I was convinced
Monday, September 23, 2019
Cultural Advertising (how culture influences advertising) Research Paper
Cultural Advertising (how culture influences advertising) - Research Paper Example The culture of most individuals is determined at their place of birth whereby they pick up the behaviors and mannerisms of those around them. This influences their general outlook towards life and the way in which they perform certain actions in their day to day activities. Culture differs in various elements; the most common is due to the location. Individuals in various continents have various distinct differences and these can be easily noticed. A clear example is the popularity of sports in various continents. In the United States, the most popular sports are American Football and Baseball, in India, the most popular sport is cricket while in Europe soccer is the major attraction. This therefore means that children born in these regions will find that their sporting culture is inclined to these particular sports and therefore they are most likely to follow these sports. The environment we are in is a major determinant of the culture that we will adopt. Culture influences the languages that we speak and the religious beliefs that we are subscribed to. There is therefore a direct impact on the products that any given individual will use by the culture in which they belong. Some religious sects restrict the use of modern technology by their members and as such it would be pointless to try and them electronic. This therefore implies that advertisers should take keen note of the various cultures around the world so that they know exactly which type of people use certain products. They can then target these people selectively with advertisements that cater to their exact needs. The end result is that there will be positive response from the market since their needs will be catered for (Mueller 2004). The goal of this essay is to find out how the advertisements differ from each other on basis of cultural values, are there any similarities also between TV
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Human Knowledge Essay Example for Free
Human Knowledge Essay Anyone writes at one point or another in his lifetime to share his or her experiences, ideas, perceptions, situations, and points of view. Some write everyday in their private diaries to capture their memories. Others write to give way to the expression of their emotions, sometimes, pent up, a fond memory, thoughts, or aspirations, even frustrations. If knowledge is knowing and learning gained through experience then personal essays become one of the rich sources, if not the fountainhead, of knowledge which brings us to the stance of this discourse. The personal and highly subjective approach of the personal essay is not merely entertaining but definitely, it adds much to the stock of human knowledge. There are two bases for the present argument. Firstly, important terms, as they have bearing on the issue, are explained or defined where this discourse attempts to build this position and view on the subjective approach of personal essays as a big contributor to the stock of knowledge. Secondly, Hs’s discussion on the sources of knowledge (Hs n. d. ) not only supplements the understanding of the terms but builds a strong working framework for this argument. On the overall, an understanding of the working definitions of knowledge and personal essays serves as the springboard for the discussion at hand. Subordinated to knowledge and personal essays are the words subjective and entertaining. Knowledge may be understood as defined in several ways but not limited to the following: ‘the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association; acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique; the fact or condition of being aware of something; the range of ones information or understanding; the fact or condition of having information or of being learned; the sum of what is known; and the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankind’ and ‘applies to facts or ideas acquired by study, investigation, observation, or experience’ (Merriam Webster n. d. ). Moreover, knowledge refers to the ‘state or fact of knowing; familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study; the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned; learning; and specific information about something (Houghton Mifflin 2000). The accumulation of all possible information in every discipline altogether makes up the â€Å"stock of human knowledge. †On the other hand, the personal essay is one where the writer speaks from his or her own personal perspective about just any thinkable or unthinkable, imaginable or unimaginable (such as fictions) topic – emotions, experiences, places, events, things, animals, etc. A personal essay is very personal to the writer in that it relates to one’s private life rather than anyone else. In this sense, it is to a high extent particular, intimate and maybe found peculiar, but highly subjective. To be subjective is to be biased and one-sided. In the case of a personal essay, the writer has some biases with reference to any particular topic because he or she writes from how he or she views things in the environment. That is what makes personal essays highly subjective and all along carrying that personal touch. These writings become amusing or enjoyable, or contextually, entertaining to the readers on account of an experience where they become vicariously involved. Knowledge (and the accumulation of it) as understood from its given definitions are functions well fulfilled by personal essays. Hs listed and explained the five sources and the ways by which knowledge is gained (Hs n. d. ) – people, books, experience, experimentation and observation, and thinking and pondering. All of these sources heavily point to or at least allude to the voluminous personal essays. First, â€Å"people,†Hs declares â€Å"are the biggest source of knowledge for anybody†because for one reason, many people’s varied experiences can make enough experience in that area from which others may derive lessons from as a consequence of reading them. Since personal essays are highly subjective dwelling on personal anecdotes, it is not surprising that they are saturated with the first person pronoun â€Å"I†in the process of the narration (Cavallari n. d. ). These experiences as expressed through personal essays may affect the lives of others either â€Å"giving inspiration or altering some of your core values and outlook of life†(Oz Essays n. d. ). The things to learn from these numerous people experiences include also their achievements, frustrations, failures, miseries, mistakes, and skills. Furthermore, personal essays make their writer ask themselves â€Å"what experience has taught them about themselves†(Editors for Students n. d. ). And that from the personal stories grows out the points of the experience (Composition Patterns n. d. ). The lessons in life are paramount to the increase of one’s knowledge. Second, reading as much as many books about any topic is another source of knowledge. Take for instance a particular example cited by the author, Hs. The same problem that one may be confronted with must have similarly confronted others. By reading how others dealt with the same problem might just instantly give the solution as used by others. Though not so related but contextually relevant is the old saying that â€Å"there is no frigate like a book†where the reader is able to â€Å"travel†and see the wonders of the world through the eyes of those who undertook the travels and wrote about them. Third, it is true that â€Å"experience is a great teacher†according to Hs because mistakes are corrected and achievements are gained through lessons derived from past experiences not just your own but others’ as well. No matter how rhetoric but it is undeniably true that the best lessons in past experiences tells us that the present must learn from the past to make the present better and plan out for the best future. Fourth, experimentation and observation add to the stock of human knowledge by attempting at finding out, through one’s efforts and those of others through their writings, which attempts succeed that readers might carry on and which attempts fail that they might avoid in their own ventures. Watchfulness and keen observation of others’ approaches to particular situations is a sure way to gain knowledge that can be applied when the situation arises that calls for appropriate actions. What best observations can be had than reading from the personal essays of many people that one cannot possibly physically do all? Fifth, by thinking and pondering on what have been read such as personal essays can lead to a deep understanding of any topic. Take the case of personal essays of uncountable number on â€Å"How To†¦Ã¢â‚¬ like â€Å"How to Become a Millionaire,†How to Study Effectively,†â€Å"How to Win an Election,†How to Deal with Stress,†and many more. They are generally taken from individuals’ own experiences and insights that are shared to the readers. From these personal essays are skills or strategies learned that might as well work for the readers’ own successes. They are not necessarily products of empirical studies worked out from sample populations. Are they not significantly contributing to the stock of human knowledge? The process and later the formation of the habit of writing makes the individual primarily knowledgeable in many ways and secondarily acquiring the appropriate skills in communicative writing. Writing from personal experiences and incidents is actually mirroring one’s self as the lesson emerges from life experiences. Then, they develop the skill to reflect on the intrapersonal and develop the skill to write which is in itself a knowledge earned usable at any point in time especially in the academe. The readers, on the other hand, learn to write and improve, in some cases, hone their skills on the styles of writing based on the personal essays of others. The teaching experience of Andrea Sarvady is an interesting case in point. In an interview with an educator (Sarvady 2007) in a school in Atlanta, Georgia, Sarvady emphasized that requiring and training her 7th and 8th grade students in writing personal essays makes them ‘become better writers †¦ and become better people’. Writing just about anything from fiction to non-fiction, Andrea believes that the two-year personal essay writing program she does with her students is to a certain extent therapeutic but more importantly, she claims ‘it helps a lot of kids look at their own life a little more closely at an age where impulse controls issues are so huge. †The process and the progress to becoming â€Å"better people†is no doubt a consequence of knowledge earned. It is easy to contradict the opinion that personal essays are simply entertaining but does not do much to add to the stock of human knowledge. On the contrary, personal essays have much to offer to the formation of the stock of human knowledge while certainly entertaining at the same time. The argument with focus on science as a discipline, (Crichton n. d. ) carries some truth when he said that the â€Å"personal and subjective approach to essay writing entertains the reader, which adds little in comparison to the attainment of human knowledge. †However, at the same time he was quite negating his position when he said that people’s understanding of the world when â€Å"it grows, expands and then adds to the collective work†¦ once accredited and accepted as plausible, it advances the stockpile of human knowledge through the dispersal of academic essays. †In effect personal essays, although a subjective view of an objective knowledge, cannot be denied that however little, they throw in to the stock of human knowledge. Going further to the argument, human knowledge as based on the five sources of knowledge being the framework for this treatise are largely derived nowhere else but from ‘people’ where many of their ‘experiences’ are captured through their written texts as in ‘books’ narrating their own ‘experiences and observations’ of others that they ‘ponder’ on bringing about a deeper understanding of any subject matter. As a consequence, experiences of people first handedly accumulate to significantly contribute to the stock of human knowledge. Personal essays are written experiences of individuals to share their thoughts, insights, points of view, emotions, skills and abilities, ideas, usually bringing home to a point usually a lesson as a consequence of the experience (Editors for Students n. d. ). People trying out new ways of cooking, through experimentations and observations, are collected into cookery books. Similarly, innovative ways of doing interior home designs are collected into magazines and books on home designing shared by countless others. Landscaping and gardening are available in many books from the ideas of many creative individuals. Skills honing activities in any field of interest are available in books and magazines. Many researches utilize the interview instruments which are generally derived from interviews of real people eliciting from their own experiences. From this wide array of information, generalizations are made into principles, theories, and concepts. The amalgam of experiences and observations found and shared in personal essays accruing make up the colossal stock of human knowledge more than just entertain readers. List of References Cavallari, D. What is a Personal Essay [online] Available from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-a-personal-essay. htm [June 4, 2009] Crichton, A. A Subjective Look on Objective Knowledge[online] Available from http://philosopherzone. com/philosophy/a-subjective-look-on-objective-knowledge/ [June 2, 2009] Editors for Students â€Å"The Personal Essay – Essay Writing Tip #6†[online] available from http://www. editorsfor students. com/personalessay. html [June 3, 2009] Houghton Mifflin Company(2003). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Languag, 4th ed [online] Available from http://www. thefreedictionary. com/knowledge [June 3, 2009] Hs, S. Sources Of Knowledge How To Gain Knowledge In Any Field [online] Available from http://ezinearticles. com/? Sources-Of-KnowledgeHow-To-Gain-Knowledge-In-Any-Fieldid=500120 [June 4 2009] Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary [online] Available from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/knowledge [June 3, 2009] Personal Essays in the Classroom (March 28, 2007) [online] Available from http://www. visualthesaurus. com/cm/teachersatwork/735/ [June 4, 2009] Interview Oz Essay Personal Experience Essay[online] Available from http://www. ozessay. com. au/personal_experience_essay. html [June 2, 2009] Composition Patterns The Personal Essay [online] Available from http://grammar. ccc. commnet. edu/GRAMMAR/composition/personal. htm [June 2, 2009]
Saturday, September 21, 2019
How Motivational Theories Are Used In Asda
How Motivational Theories Are Used In Asda The main intention of this project is to explore how motivational theories applied in Asda to induce its staffs to carry out their best to the organization. The reason why I selected the above theme is, as an employer at the Asda sometimes I wonder how all the works are going well and smoothly. Then I found the answer for my question, which is all because of the motivational techniques used by the Asda. And the other reason is, I can able to collect use full primary data, from my Managers and colleagues, and from the customers via primary research and secondary data like company reports, articles and company journals directly. Since I had a limited time I thought it will be help full, if I selected the company where am working. Hypothesis: Since motivation is important in the productivity of employees, the importance of knowing what motivation theory is most effective and efficient that could generate higher productivity, commitment and satisfaction to employees is significant as a problem of this study. Literature Review: Motivation is a one word, which leads success for all the organization around the world. Many theorists talked many about this. Especially Mitchell (1982), who given common characteristics to motivation, Taylor, F. W, and Harper and Row (1947) supposed in financial desires in inspiration, but Motivation is the driving force which fulfils needs according to Lam Tang, 2003. Similar to this there are many theorist suggested their view towards motivation. They are Wilbert Scheer (1979), Thwala Monese, n. D, Robin DeCenzo (1995:271), Campbell and Pritchard (1976) Motivation plays a central role in getting and satisfying the goals and objectives of a business by trying to motivate, inspire, and raising their satisfaction and self-esteem with the intention of be greatly creative that in turn will direct to completion of organizations goals. Though all doesnt know about the theories these are ineffective, but will help to identify the incorrect ways of motivation. Objectives: I would like to achieve the aims, which are stated below through conducting this research: Evaluating the techniques made by the Asda to motivate Customer service Assistance and Managers. Analyzing whether the employees are motivated by those techniques. Investigating whether customer gained good service through those techniques. Identifying advantages gained through those techniques to the Organization. Suggesting some techniques to the Organization. Methodology: This analysis mainly used both the Primary and secondary researches equally. Though according to the title uses of primary data should be more compare to the Secondary, but due to the limited sources and time secondary research also conducted relatively equal with other. In both its major two types are used while conducting collecting the data. This case analysis will operate on the idea that the use of classic motivational theory of Maslows hierarchy of needs, and the Total theory at the organization. Since, a case analysis will be in understanding the role of motivation to employees productivity, the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches will be utilized. Action Plan: Preparing the proposal by 20th February Completing Literature review by 01th march Completing Field work Primary Data by 17th march Secondary Data by 28th march Analysing the collected data and the result by 28th April Presenting the data collected and the final report by 05th may Code of ethics: This case study conducted without any age restriction, gender, employee position and ethnic groups boundaries. All of the staffs are shift basis have involved in this study. While collecting data and after collecting secrecy maintained throughout the study of the investigation. Literature Review Motivation in Organization The word Motivation this will be the success behind all the succeeded organization. Managers use mostly motivational theories commonly, to encourage their employees to get a good out put from them. Motivation, which is vast, issue, hence there are many theories are stated. In order to maximize the employees effectiveness and increase the productivity; managers using these theories even without knowing it. However these theories are applied all over the place from small business to multi billion business. Motivation and Its Theories Motivation directs individual behavior. It is in the interest of an employer to know how to motivate employees behavior for the employers benefit. The four most Common Motivational Characteristics Definitions, which are stated by Mitchell (1982), are: Motivation is: Type defied as individual phenomenon. Described usually as intentional Multifaceted Helps to predict the behavior Motivation is the driving force within individuals that drive them physiologically and psychologically to pursue one or more goals to fulfil their needs or expectations (Lam Tang: 2003). For Wilbert Scheer (1979), To maintain [motivation] it is to create and maintain the climate which brings harmony and equilibrium into the entire work group for the benefit of all who are involved. Since it is the work of a manager to employ effective motivation, he/she should always aware of the environment and the status condition of his/her employees. Furthermore, motivation means an inner wholesome desire to exert effort without the external stimulus of money. It is the ability of indoctrinating the personnel with a unity of purpose and maintaining a continuing, harmonious relationship among all people (Thwala Monese, n. d). Motivation plays a vital role in fulfilling goals, objectives of an firm by trying to motivate, inspire, and raising their satisfaction and self-esteem in order to be highly productive that in turn will lead to the fulfilment of organizations goals and objectives. Thus to Robin DeCenzo (1995:271), cited by Thwala and Monese, motivation is the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual need. While Campbell and Pritchard (1976), defines motivation as a dependent and independent set of relationships, which explains the amplitude, direction, and persistence of a behaviour holding constant the effects of skills, aptitude, and understanding of a task and the constraints operating in the work environment. The essential of knowing the character of motivation, principles and theories are all-important in order that inappropriate function of motivation can be presumed and avoided. Even so, all motivational theories and strategies are valuable yet, not all can be applied in certain organization for some constraints. There are many competing Theories, which attempt to explain motivation at work Motivation Theories can be classified as follows: Motivation is watched from various views. Taylor, F. W. Scientific Management, Harper and Row (1947) believed in economic needs in motivation. According to him motivation is nothing but what the workers wanted from their employers more than anything else is high wages. This approach is called Rational-Economic concept of motivation. But Nicola Horlick, (former Managing Director, Morgan Grenfell Investment Management.) He was convinced that the success of any business depended on having people and motivating them properly. As he thought and he decided motivation was not just about money. It was about creating an environment in which people enjoyed working. Methodology In this research I have used both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The use of qualitative research is comparatively less with the quantitative. The majority of the Qualitative data related to Theories and past studies of the motivational theories. The quantitative research applied to gather the information from the employees to find out what is motivation according to them. Primary Research In this research Primary data collection is important for the reason that the research includes the opinion of the staffs. Though there are many of techniques are used to collect raw data. I have selected some methods in field research when considering the resources and time. Quantitative: The quantitative data is collected mostly from the questionnaire. Since I had a less amount of time to analyze the information, this type of data helped me more to manage the time. Questionnaire: Close ended questions like How many? and Yes or No? questions are used to collect the quantitative primary data. This type of question is used to test observable fact. Though it is testing fact, it wont develop the fact and give other suggestion of the responder. The advantage of this method is, focus is concise and narrow, and hence which took a reduced amount time. Qualitative: From the interviews and the brain storming discussion most of the raw qualitative information is pull together. Comparably the lesser amount of data is collected from the Questionnaire. Interview: Interview took place with the employer, which lasted approximately eight minutes. Interview is conducted in a limited time period in which responder might not have time to share the information. And also the responder is well known to the interviewer, where likeness of sharing the matter may differ. Though the facts are collected directly the reliability of the data is high, we can guess and understand information if we didnt get them, and also we can ask more to develop the task. Brain Storming Discussion: Common discussion took place regarding the topic in the break time during the break time in the organization where they dont know that they are taking place in this study. As an employee it is much easier to me to chat about the topic with the colleagues and to get the live feed from them while working. This approach is easier to me and reliable. Although they are working together there will be a gap between the people individually who wont speak openly with all. Though there are chances to collect unreliable information. Observation: I observed the group twelve hours per week for two weeks, focusing mostly on conversations at monthly meetings and especially those conversations, which related to motivation and the awarding system issues. Secondary Research In this study, secondary research used to get the information mostly regarding to the organization. This research was done to collect already existing data that was collected by someone or by organization. I used both major categories of secondary research. Internal secondary data The sources of some secondary data that I collected came from within the organization; this type is called internal secondary data. From the organisations department little information gathered from the own reports that represent a potential of valuable data from the line manager. For instance how to motivate employees. These records were collected as an employee; otherwise this is not possible to others. Hence the records are reliable. Although these were collected from the system these are depended in the employer whether it is applied or not. So from this we cant measure the real out come. External secondary data The collected data which are published by other organization, or in other journal and website, few are collected from local library books are called as external secondary data. From the several websites and other past researches the gathered are linking between these types. Due to the IT revolutionised world it was easy to collect these categorised data in the given time and with minimum source. No need of wasting them by conducting the same research. Though it easy and accessible. It may have been collected some time ago and there for sometime it wont suit for the research. It can be general. Action Plan Action: Preparing the proposal Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Researching various topics and selecting final topic Setting correct objectives. Preparing sample plan. Examining the key values of research. Writing the sample proposal and discussing it with lecturer. Finalising the Proposal. To select the topic time taken bit more than considered time and also writing the Proposal. Lack of knowledge in the selected topic. 3 day 1 day 1day 2days 1day Completing by 20th feb Action: Completing Literature review Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Setting objectives that has to be searched. According to the objective searching data in library books. Searching data in journals and articles. Analyzing the collected data Preparing sample Literature review Examining the sample literature review with the lecturer. Correcting and finalising the Literature review. Collecting the data in the predicted time is bit complicated 1 day 4 day 1day 1day 2day Completing by 1th march Action: Field work (Primary Data) Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Observing the employees and colleagues. Brain storming discussion. Providing questionnaire and getting feedback. Interviewing staffs Completing field work To get Questionnaire feed back, it took more time than the calculated time. (due to the staffs shift) 7 days 1 day 9 days Completing by 17th march Action: Field work (Secondary Data) Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Collecting the data within organization with the help of manager. Collecting the data from the websites and from the past research. Completing field work Collecting information about the organisation within the organisation made difficult than expected. 7 days 2 day 2 days Completing by 28th march Action: Analysing the collected data and the result. Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Gathering all primary data separating according to type. Examining them and taking important points. Exploring all the secondary data and taking points. Grouping the data by type and writing Analysis report. Discussing with lecturer and preparing final Analysis report. After analyzing briefly giving a conclusion and result. Gathering all questionnaires, sorting out them, and examining was tough Some confusion came due to the language, while conducting interviews with staff. 3 days 2 day 2 days 2 days 1 day 1 day Completing by 28th April Action: Presenting the data collected and the final report. Methods for monitoring Constraints Targeted Time Structuring all the data, reports, bibliography, appendix, and tables. Presenting whole project with the appropriate graphical presentation techniques (charts, smart arts, shapes). Organizing all and presenting sample Project for lecturers consideration. Discussing with lecturer and completing the final Research Project. Submitting Research Project There was a bit difficulty faced while getting all data together for structuring. Due to the various formation of structure Structuring the data seized more periods than estimated. 3 days 2 day 2 days 2days Completing by 5th May Limitations: Time constraints of the semester require less time than may be ideal for an ethnographic study. By observing the organization for only a week, there are bounces to be aspects of leadership practice, organizational culture and team communication, which wont be discovered in the observations. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The team members may be guarded in their conversations around me, especially in my initial observations. Delimitations: I am not observing multiple groups, although such comparisons might be important, in order to allocate more concentration of understanding regarding the group on which I will focus. Furthermore, I will not use structured interviews in order to minimize my obtrusiveness and my influence on the team members. Code of Ethics At all stages of investigation process, from beginning, resourcing, planning, analysis and dissemination, there was an active, individual and disciplinary ethical awareness maintained through out the case analysis. All process of research including choice of methodology, and the use to which any findings might be put, is matching with the aims and the time and sources. In the case of all those who are the subjects of research, but particularly those made open to by age, gender and the position. In relation to every participant to the research process, including managers, colleagues, and employers, I dealt openly and fairly. In particular, as a duty I explained to the every participant of all features of the research that might be expected to influence willingness to participate, especially but not exclusively dependent on participation. Only in cases where no alternative strategy is feasible, where no harm to the research subject can be foreseen and where the greater good is self-evidently served, are procedures involving deception or concealment permissible for social work and social care researchers. I respected at all times the individual participants absolute right to decline to participate in or to withdraw from the program. Consent must be secured through the use of language that is readily comprehensible to the subject and which accurately and adequately explains the purpose and the procedures to be followed. All the data or other information gathered in this research is confidential and the secrecy maintained. Analysis Primary Data Analysis Questionnaire Analysis: From the figure (I), we clearly get in to the point that majority of the employees are giving preferences to financial reward and pay-raise and acknowledgement which are 23 and 20 respectively. Maslows hierarchy of need (figure IV) state the needs of employees in an ascending order. According to hierarchy of needs the fist, second, and for some extend fourth levels can be satisfied by the financial reward, which evidently shown in this research. Though there are minimum amount of employees are rewarded, the desire to work in the organisation is still high, which clearly state us that public recognition, results, competition, status and sometimes-even fear also motivating employees. From the figure II, without any age restriction majority of the staffs are willing to do their best in the job, the majority is non-awarded person. In the questionnaires given large amount of nearly all marked Yes to the question about their goals. This is the Goal theory, which is stated above. As an employee and from my observation goal theory is used more efficiently in the organisation. Interview: The interview with the manager brought the information that they dont know these motivational theories, but they knew the techniques and the principles. Most of them are guided by their area managers and asked to follow some techniques through them, which was made confidential by the organization. They were conducting monthly meeting and area manager used to assist the line manager during his visit to the store. Brain Storming Discussion Analysis: Brain storming which peel off few staffs worries. They are having a thought that rewarding system is only rewarded to the some section of staffs who are working in the cafeteria in the asda. Although they are accepting that they are having more scope to perform well. Observation Analysis: Observation reveals the truth that although the rewarding system is most favorable way, while they were talking they are interchanging their rewarded vouchers, and they are expecting to become a stars which is one of the valued system made byAsda. Secondary Data Analysis Internal Sources of Data: There is a Staff Development Program (SDP) was undertaken by the Asda Colleague Circle. This will develop the personality of the staffs, when they are not performing there best and doing less in their work: they were personally asked to conduct manager and they used to guide them to do their best. Performance appraisal program is conducted to increase the hourly paid employees salaries, for those who are working for the good standard and showing their brilliance at Asda. This will obviously make the employee to stay with the organization for lengthy period of time. External Sources of Data: The time when Andy Bond CEO of Asda, the company was in financially in a good position and the employee self-esteem was remarkably short. The company was experiencing losses, the CEO; he was faced with the daunting task of turning the rebellious company region. Simon consummated this task for three reasons: he modified: The organizational culture Possessed important leadership skills Motivated employees skills. In order to further motivate staffs of the changing image and the service that Asda is becoming physical changes are commencing to take shape all over at every Asda. A program has in progress for now and it includes more than just the workforce but it is functioning. What in actual fact constructs this victorious at the member of staffs stage are the awareness by labours that their anxiety was addressed, it really triggers off them. In their division that they believe nearly each employee at Asda can express at least part of the Team. They may not all has it perfect but the company is slowly turning in this new direction Result and Conclusion Result Goal theories, Attribution theory, Equity theories of Motivation, Porter and Lawler Expectancy theory, Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory are the major, numerous theories used at the Asda in order to encourage their staffs, which are successfully completed by the firm. All sort of employees exclusive of age, gender, and position are enjoying and doing there work with job satisfaction due to firms area managers, line managers and the assistance managers hidden motivational procedures, techniques, and principles (Theories). Although the case study finalizing the theories functioned correctly and the result is positive that workers are inspired, happy, encouraged and over all motivated there are some restrictions are there, and also investigation carried out by a member of the employee hence the chances of liability is there between colleagues and managers: which are kept closed. Conclusion In conclusion, there are a number of theories used by Asda. Some of that are out dated, as I mentioned above, many area and line managers are using these techniques without knowing the theories. As a student and an employee after analyzing these information and situation managers should learn these theories and related principles in order to improve there staffs productivity and to apply and inspire them in the correct manner. And I would like to prefer them to study them and re-formulating them freshly to the new modernized 21st century and to bring them into play.
Friday, September 20, 2019
What is Federalism?
What is Federalism? Federalism is a political system in which ultimate authority is shared between a central government and state or regional governments. Federalism is one of the two major principles based on the American version of representative democracy that distribute power, the other is separation of power. The political authority in America is divided between national and state governments this division is called federalism (Wilson, 2014). How federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system of today The United States started off with a group of colonies that were under a British unitary system. The British government viewed it as a centralized power, a threat to their rights and liberties. The Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia in 1787 faced the major problem of how to restrict the power of the central government and still provide it with the necessary power to protect national interests. The solution was to divide power between national and state levels of government resulting in federalism (Bodenhamer). When the Revolution was carried out the United States became a confederation covered by the Articles of Confederation. This system became unsuccessful so it was transformed into a federal system by the Constitution (Mount, 2010). The drafting of the Constitution by the Framers was opposed to by Antifederalist. The Framers thought it gave the national government too much power. The framers intended federalism to be a device for protecting personal liberty (Wilson, 20 14). Since the United States implemented federalism in 1787, it has progressed. Over time two major kinds of federalism have dominated the political theory. A debate over the meaning of federalism began after the Civil war, focusing on the interpretation of Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, the commerce clause. Out of this debate came the doctrine of dual federalism in which the national and state governments have defined areas of authority and separately especially over commerce. Congress would regulate interstate commerce and states would regulate intrastate commerce and each would be defined by the Supreme Court. They must defer single state commerce over to the state authority. States depend on the power of the federal government over foreign and military relations, state and foreign commerce. The second major kind of federalism involved the last paragraph of Article I, section 8 of the Constitution authorizing Congress to pass all laws deemed â€Å"necessary and proper†in carrying out the enumerated powers (Wilson, 2014). Today the federal government responsibilities are those that traditionally were the authority of the state government. They include education, social welfare policy, health care, and minimum wage. The growth of the federal government has caused an increase in spending, adjustments for inflation affecting state and local government. The full-time civilian workforce of the federal government is about the same as it was in 1960, while state and local government full-time workforce has more than doubled since 1960. The federal-state relation handles most national laws and policies. This complex relation in whole or partly fund, shape and administer programs. In American politics federalism has been central. The federal government depends on the states to provide senators and representatives through elections (Wilson, 2014). Factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior Federalism political significance defines political justice, shapes political behavior, and directs humans towards a suitably civic combination of the two. The idea of federalism is important to the law of natural in defining justice and the natural right in defining the origins and proper constitution of political society. Federalism as a form of political organization has grown as a factor shaping political behavior. Federalism is a political force because it serves the principle that there are no simple majorities or minorities, but that all majorities consist of a collection of individuals and the consequence principle of minority rights not only protecting the possibility for minorities to preserve themselves but forces majorities to be combined rather than artificially simple. It serves those principles by emphasizing the consensual basis of the political entity and the importance of liberty in the constitution and maintenance of democratic republics. Both principles are especi ally important in an increasingly complex and interdependent world, where all people must live together, whether they like it or not and even desire to do so by majority vote. It is not surprising that people and states throughout the world are looking for federal solutions to the problems of political incorporation within a democratic framework. Federalism involves some type of contractual relationship of a presumably permanent characteristic that provides for power sharing, division around issues of sovereignty, and supplements, but does not seek to replace or diminish prior organic ties that they exist (Elazar, 1991). Factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U. S. Federal government influences the creation of American policies overall In the original Constitution before the bill of rights the Framers attempted to define the relationship between the states and the federal government. In it the states powers were restricted. The relationship between the states and the U. S. Federal government influences American policies in that it clearly defines that people want local control over its police and schools, but the local control over their governmental services have been reduced by the federal regulations development of federal grants in aid (Wilson, 2014). In the United States the laws and actions citizens encounter on a daily basis involve all three levels of government. Zoning, traffic control, sanitation, educational administration, street repair and other services are primarily managed by local officials on the authority granted to them by the state. Voting procedures differ from state to state. Educational policies, criminal justice, business and professional regulation, public health and other important issues are under the control of the state government. Defense, foreign affairs, economic, monetary policy, welfare reform are all actions of national government. National government laws apply to individuals living within the national boundaries. State laws apply to the resident of those states. The constitution is the source of authority for national and state government reflecting the will of the people (Bodenhamer). The central government has defined powers in a federal nation, and has full authority over external affairs. The constitution gives the government exclusive power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce, coin money, provide the naturalization of immigrants, and maintenance of the military. The United States guarantees states a republican form of government ensuring that states cannot create a monarchy. The national government has judicial authority that resolves controversies between the states and between the citizens of different states. State and central governments may differ in areas of domestic policy where they have overlapping interests and needs. The state and national government can exercise power at the same time as in the parallel power to tax. Issues regarding national authority, not addressed by the constitution allows the states to take action as long as it does not conflict with the powers legally exercise by the central government. Issues on education, crime and punishment, health and safety and other important matters affecting the daily lives of citizens the constitution does not assign responsibility (Bodenhamer). Recognizing the potential for conflict surrounding concurrent power among levels of government the framers adopted measures to avoid them making the U. S. Constitution supreme over state constitutions enforceable through federal courts. The clause declared that the actions of the national government supreme whenever its power conflicted with the legitimate actions of the state. It also clearly prohibited states from exercising powers that were granted to the central government. In ratifying the Constitution the framers supported the bill of rights, the first ten amendments in efforts to restrain national governments from interfering with individual liberties. By listing the mutual obligations that each state owed each other the Constitution laid the ground rules for the relationship among the states. Finding the correct balance between national and state powers continues to be an issue in American politics. With each generation social and economic changes occur, there are shifts in p olitical values and the changing role the nation plays in the world will require changes and adjustments in how we treat federalism (Bodenhamer). Conclusion The agreement of the Constitution established a union of states under a federal system of governance. The Constitution has been debating over the issues of powers, privileges, duties, and responsibilities granted to national governments and reserved for the states and its people have shaped and been shaped by the nation’s political, social, and economic history of the United States (Boyd, 1997). The characteristics of federalism suits the changing nature of American society. The flexibility of the Constitution allows the nation to respond to changing circumstances (Bodenhamer). References Bodenhamer, D. J. (n.d.). Federalism Democracy. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from AIT website: Boyd, E. (1997, January 6). American Federalism, 1779 to 1997: Significant Events. Retrieved August 8, 2014, from US Embassy: Elazar, D. (1991). Exploring Federalism. University of Alabama Press. Mount, S. (2010, January 24). Constitutional Topic: Federalism. Retrieved August 7, 2014, from U. S. Constitution: Wilson, J. Q. (2014). American Government: Brief version (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Diffusion Essay -- essays research papers
Lab Report #1: Diffusion Introduction: The human body undergoes a variety of processes throughout each and every day in order to sustain life. Tasks such as walking, breathing, and digesting what has been eaten are sometimes considered mundane, even taken for granted. One such process that is necessary to maintain life is diffusion. Diffusion is a key factor in moving ions, fuels, and other molecules into and out of the blood. It is one of the most important components in supplying oxygen to the alveoli and removing carbon dioxide. Without diffusion, substances would find it very difficult to pass through membranes and could cause detrimental effects to the human body. The paradox scientists have drawn is related to glucose molecules and the directions in which the molecules â€Å"know†to move. No single molecule should diffuse in any particular fashion, but should diffuse randomly. This report looks at four simulations attempting to solve the problem presented, how do the molecules know which way to diffuse? In order to understand the obtained research, it is necessary to present and identify the key components of Fick’s Law of Diffusion: F = -D * A*dC/dx F = the flow of material across a real or imaginary plane D = the diffusivity of the diffusing molecules (the ease in which the molecule diffuses in the surrounding medium)                          A= area of the plane                          C= concentration of the molecules                          X= distance                          dC/dx = the concentration gradient There will be four simulations conducted in order to apply Fick’s Law and determine if molecules do in fact know which way to diffuse. The first simulation will look at a single molecule in an open area, the second looks at the movement of several molecules, the third looks at molecules diffusing in a ... ...te the change in concentration with respect to the change in distance.      In Simulation 4 we have two chambers connected with a pipe. Like simulation 2, the concentration of molecules across the whole system at equilibrium is equally distributed. If the dimensions of the pipe were small and narrow, only a small percentage of the molecules will be contained in the pipe at equilibrium. The flow of molecules to the right chamber would decrease. The calculation of the rate of approach to equilibrium in simulation 2 cannot be applied here because we have a pipe of a different volume that alters the flow. As the figure above depicts, the rate of approach to equilibrium increase as the diameter of the pipe increases. However the rate of approach will not increase infinitely but will plateau as some point because the diameter of the pipe can only be so large to connect the boxes. Accordingly, increasing the length of the pipe will slower the rate of approach to equilibrium because the molecules will have to travel a greater distance. References â€Å"Diffusion- Simulation of randomly moving particles†WebCT. Drexel University. April 2005
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Black vs. White and New vs. Old in Go Down, Moses Essay -- Go Down Mos
Black vs. White and New vs. Old in Go Down, Moses       In the novel Go Down, Moses, William Faulkner examines the relationship between blacks and whites in the South. His attempt to trace the evolution of the roles and mentalities of whites and blacks from the emancipation to the 1940s focuses on several key transitional figures. In "The Fire and the Hearth," Lucas Beauchamp specifically represents two extremes of pride: in the old people, who were proud of their land and their traditions; and in the new generation, whose pride forced them to break away from the traditions of the South. Lucas' background uniquely shapes him for this role. He represents the general sentiments of both blacks and whites because of his mixed heritage, and he represents the old and the new through his simultaneous pride in and rebellion against his blood relation to Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin. The new generation, both whites and blacks, rebelled against the respect older Southerners held for the land and tradition, although each rebelled for different reasons. As a sharecropper on Zack Edmonds' farm, Lucas displays his pride in his connection to Carothers McCaslin in a subtle, often unspoken manner. Yet this pride always exists parallel to his defensive pride in the black blood mixed with that white blood. Lucas credits the blood of Carothers in him as the source of the courage he needed to confront, and attempt to shoot, Zack Edmonds. But at the same time, the action that that courage initiated was an act of rebellion against what Lucas perceived as white oppression of his rights: Then, not rising yet, he took the cartridge from his pocket and looked at it again, musing--the live cartridge, not even stained, not corroded, the... ..., as they were no longer relevant to their world. All in all, Lucas Beauchamp's mixed heritage leads to opposing extremes of pride. Faulkner uses this duality to represent both blacks and whites in their transition from the old to the new generation. Lucas lives in the time after the emancipation, yet he has strong ties to the old traditions of the South because of the connections he has to Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin. Lucas' character thus represents the new, the old, the black, and the white. It covers the broad spectrum of mentalities of the South in the period which Faulkner treated in Go Down, Moses. Faulkner created a complex, viable character in Lucas to reveal the complexity and intertwining of all the different aspects of the South: racial and generational. Works Cited: Faulkner, William. Go Down Moses. New York: The Modern Library, 1995.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Analysis of Kaiser and the War by Simon J. Ortiz
Simon J. Ortiz is a Native American who was born on May 27, 1941 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He belongs to the Acoma Pueblo tribe. He is considered as one of the most respected Native American writer. He grew up in the Acoma village of McCartys and spoke his native tongue of Keresan with his family. Ortiz’s father was a railroad and a wood carver. As a member of the Acoma Pueblo tribe, his father was tasked to preserve the tradition and religious beliefs of the clan (Wiget, 1994, p. 115)Simon J. Ortiz went to the McCartys Day School and then to St. Catherine’s Indian School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In school, Native Americans were prohibited to speak their native language. Ortiz had a difficult time assimilating with the new culture he was exposed to. He began to write in his diary his experiences and create short stories. He channeled his energy to read books (p.117)While studying away from his family, Ortiz can’t bear his loneliness and returned to his hometown . He enrolled at the Albuquerque Indian School. The school is a vocational school which taught the students plumbing and mechanics. Ortiz learned metal and woodworking. After graduating from Grants High School in Grants, New Mexico, Ortiz worked at Kerr-McGee uranium plant. His experience at the mining plant inspired him to write his work, â€Å"Fight Back: For the Sake of the people, for the Sake of the Land†(p.123)Through an educational grant, Simon J. Ortiz was able to attend Fort Lewis College and he majored in Chemistry (p.125).Simon Ortiz’s Career PathOrtiz served the U.S. Military for three years. Fresh from the army, he enrolled at the University of New Mexico. He pursued his passion for writing and he was able to write his life experiences as a Native American. In 1968, he became a fellow at the University of Iowa. â€Å"In 1982, he was made an editor at the Pueblo of the Acoma Press. In 1988, he was tasked to be an interpreter for the Acoma Pueblo tribe and the following year Ortiz became the First Lieutenant Governor for the clan†(p.130)Throughout the years, Ortiz was recognized and given numerous awards for his literary works. He received the Pushcart prize for his work â€Å"From Sand Creek: Rising in This Heart Which Is Our America†. He was also given the Lifetime Achievement Award for his work â€Å"Returning the Gift†(p.133)Literary ThemesSimon J. Ortiz presented issues common to people particularly the plight of his Acoma Pueblo tribe. His work discusses themes of â€Å"alienation, colonialism, Native American struggles, the environment and the effects of technology†(Native American Literature, 1985, p.178)â€Å"Kaiser and the War†We can not divorce the life of the author from his art because his life experiences have a profound influence on his literary works. A case in point is Simon Ortiz’s short story, Kaiser and the War.The story revolves around a man who had little knowledge of the English language;  Kaiser, the protagonist opposed the idea of being enlisted in the U.S. Military Service. As a result, he escaped to the Black Mesa Mountains while being pursued by the county sheriff and the draft board agents. As I see it, Kaiser avoided the draft because he feels that the war is senseless. Like most Native Americans who mostly lived in their communities, he does not feel an affinity towards mainstream America. So, why would he go to war? His flight for avoiding the draft is the only way he could free himself from the dictates of the Americansociety. It is a  sense of freeing himself physically and spiritually.. It is also a way of expressing his desire to return to his roots and his essence as a human being. His escape to some extent provided him the option of dealing with his chaotic life. However, Kaiser’s escape did not only alienate him even more from the society; it also alienated him from his family. Finally after years of hidi ng, Kaiser surrendered and he was sent to jail for escaping the draft. After serving his time in prison, Kaiser becomes isolated from society. From this experience, Kaiser succumbed to depression. He was unable to keep his life together after what transpired. He failed to reunite with his family. In the end, he lived alone and died a broken man.The themes of alienation and separation surround the story. In the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Nina Baym, â€Å"implies that this theme represents the Native Americans’ struggle†, (Baym, 1997, p.2778). The story also include events that transpired in Ortiz’s life like his childhood experiences in school where he had limited knowledge of the English language and lastly, his enlistment to the U.S. Military. The tale appears to link the past and the present with regards to feelings of alienation and separation (Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1998, p. 858).The Economic, Social and Political Conditions of th e Native Americans TodayTowards the 21st century, the themes of alienation and displacement thrive in the Native American communities. They are always dealing with issues and struggling to keep up with the changes in the American society.Many Native American tribes seek to be recognized by the government. There are currently ‘561 Native American tribes recognized by the U.S. government. These tribes are designated to have their own form of government, to enact laws, to establish tribal memberships, to issue license and regulate activities†(The U.S. Relationship to American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, 2005).Today, Native American Indians continue to be a part of the American landscape and in the U.S. economy. Native American tribes established their own governments that offer services in law enforcement and disaster management. Most of the Native American tribes have their own legal system to settle disputes (Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2006).Gambling has become a big industry for the Native Americans. Most casinos operated by the Native American governments are seen profitable and has encouraged business diversification (Columbia Law Review, 2006).Sadly, most people are unaware of the plight and struggle of the Native American communities. For many Native Americans they still believe that they are still outsiders in the country and many feel that they are mistreated by the general public.Simon Ortiz used his own personal experiences from to shape his story. He tried to reach his audience by exposing the issues that surrounds the Native American community and their continued plight. His works reveal that the Native Americans want to restore their sense of â€Å"self†in order for them to fight for their rights and preserve their way of life.ReferencesA Resolution By the Native American Caucus. (2006). http// 8 February 2006. Retrieved on 15 December 2007.Baym, Nina. (1997). Norton American Anthology of American Lite rature. (p.2778). London:Oxford University Press.Bureau of Indian Affairs. (2006). http// 8 February 2006.Retrieved on 15 December 2006.Encyclopedia of American Literature. (1998). (p.858). Connecticut: Greenwood Press.Kaplan, Karen. (2005). Ancestry In A Drop Of Blood. http// 30 August2005. Retrieved on 15 December 2007.Mixing Bodies and Beliefs: The Predicament of Tribes. (2006).Columbia Law Review.http// 8 February 2006. Retrieved on 15 December 2007.Rock, Roger O. (1985).Native American Literature. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.The Black Mesa Syndrome: Indian Lands, Black Gold. (2006).http// February 2006. Retrieved on 15 December 2007.The Mukeman Ohlone. (2007). http// 22 June 2007. Retrieved on 15December 2007.The U.S. Relationship to American Indian and Alaska Native Tribe. (2006). http// February 2006. Retrieved 15 December 2007.ReferencesWalking A Mile: A Qualitative Study Exploring How Indians and Non-Indians Think AboutEach Other. (2007). http// 7 December 2007. Retrieved 15December 2007.Wiget, Andrew. (1994). Dictionary of Native American Literature. (pp.115-133). New York:Garland Press.
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